Dap4 LonWorks Interface Instructions
Document number 600-000-966 Ver. 3
1. Introduction
The dap4 LonWorks card (Data Aire P/N 160-700-020) is an optional network card
which allows the dap4 controller to be connected directly to a LonWorks
The use of these boards requires knowledge of and experience with the LonWorks
network installation and maintenance tools. The LonWorks card can be factory
installed or field installed
2. Physical channels
The LonWorks card
uses an Echelon
FTT-10 transceiver, approved for use on the
TP/FT-10 channel.
This channel has the following main characteristics:
Alllowing the connection of a maximum of 64 nodes for each network
The nodes can be connected without any restrictions in the topology: that is,
star, ring, on one bus only, or with any combination of these.
Communication speed: 78,125 kbps;
Maximum distance (Belden 85102 cable): 500m for connections between the
nodes with free topology.
3. Layout of the boards
Fig. 1 – LonWorks card
1. Connector to the dap4 controller BMS card.
2. Terminal block for LonWorks® network (GND, A, B).
3. Service pin.
4. Green
5. Red fault LED.
For details on the activation of the
service pin
, see
Connection to the LonWorks
4. Meanings of the LEDs
The green
Signals the status of the node, as per the LonWorks
Hardware fault: always ON or always OFF;
Node configured (normal operation): ½ second ON, then always OFF;
Node NOT configured: flashing at ½ Hz;
Node without software application: 1 second ON, 2 seconds OFF, then always OFF;
Node in continuous reset: flashing;
Remains on during the activation of the
service pin