BMW RnineT
Thank you for purchasing a Dart flyscreen.
It has been carefully designed and
manufactured to suit a specific
motorcycle model and by following
these instructions you should
encounter no problems with fitting.
The kit should comprise the
1 x Makrolon® polycarbonate
4 x EPDM rubber grommets
1 x screen mounting bracket
4 x M5 x 30mm stainless hex
head machine screws
2 x aluminium bushes (15mm)
2 x aluminium bushes (12mm)
4 x stainless hex head machine screws
4 x washers
Firstly, you’ll need some space to work. Remove the two
Torx T30 screws which secure the headlight assembly to the
bottom yoke, and remove the headlight. We rest it on the mudguard, using a cloth for protection.
Remove the wire cable tidy on the front of the headtube.
Remove the four T25 screws which hold the plastic instrument bracket to the top yoke. The left
hand screw has another wire cable tidy. This won’t be needed, so keep it safe with the other one.
Fit the four bushes into the underside of the instrument bracket. The stepped rings should snap into
the holes in the plastic bracket. The two longer bushes need to be in the middle holes, with the two
shorter bushes on the outside.
Now position the screen bracket underneath the instrument bracket, and hold them together like a
sandwich. Guide the assembly into position under the top yoke.
Holding the assembly in position, feed one of the centre pair of M5 x 30mm screws in from below
the bracket, and screw into the top yoke. Then fit the second screw.
Check that everything is in position and fit the other two screws. Locate them by hand evenly, then
gradually tighten them fully with a 3mm Allen key.
That’s the difficult part done. Now refit the headlight.
Insert the grommets in the holes in the screen. This is best achieved from the back of the screen.
Hold the screen blade in position and loosely fit the bottom two hexagon head machine screws
with their washers, ensuring that they engage in the captive nuts on the brackets. Do not tighten
these yet.
AVISO IMPORTANTE: Aunque la cúpula proporciona un buen nivel de protección contra los impactos, no está garantizado
que sea irrompible. La cúpula NO es un sustituto de la protección ocular; los ojos deberían llevarse siempre protegidos
mientras se está conduciendo.
Diseñada y fabricada por Dart Flyscreens Ltd, 59 Boyne Road, London SE13 5AN
e-mail: [email protected]
Sujeta la lámina de la pantalla en su posición y ajusta sin apretar demasiado los dos tornillos de cabeza
hexagonal de la parte inferior con sus arandelas, asegurando que coinciden con las tuercas cautivas de
los soportes. Aún no ajustes estos tornillos.
Compruebe que todo está firme y que puede realizar la acción de girar con absoluta libertad, si es así
ha completado el montaje!