lacking natural sound. New high efficiency
speaker technology is the foundation of
Daniel Hertz systems. It is important to
understand why high efficiency is impor
tant. The lower the efficiency of a speaker,
the more electrical energy is turned into
heat. Whatever is turned into heat is lost.
You cannot get it back with more power
ful amplifiers. With Daniel Hertz systems,
1 Watt of power produces 100 decibels (dB)
of sound pressure level (SPL). This means
that most listening levels require less than
1 Watt of power. With Daniel Hertz sys
tems, you hear the beginnings of notes,
the full body of the sound, the details and
harmonics and the most subtle sounds like
never before. You have real connection
with what the musicians are doing, and ex
perience what they intend.
Sonic perfection is obtained in concert with
the Daniel Hertz M5 Telikos Mono Refer
ence Power Amplifier, designed with high
purity in the milliWatt region; the Daniel
Hertz M6 1 MegOhms Preamplifier, a new
design with ultra-transparent sound and
zero audible noise; the Daniel Hertz Silver
1 pure silver litz interconnects; and Daniel
Hertz Premium 500 speaker cable.
Daniel Hertz is the most advanced au
dio achievement personally designed by
Mark Levinson.