Dangerous Music, Inc.
154 East 2
Street #4
New York, NY 10009
Dangerous MQ Manual1c.doc
©2004 Dangerous Music, Inc.
A powerful feature of this system is the ability to provide a latency free vocal
headphone mix by multing the mic signal just before A/D conversion and patching it into
one of the mono inputs. Adjust Level and Pan controls to taste. This gives the talent a
signal in their cue mix that doesn’t have any delay caused by A/D conversion or signal
processing in the computer. The phase switch is to compensate for polarity reversals
anywhere along the line from the microphone to the headphones. Push the phase switch
while the artist is singing into the mic and select the switch position that produces the
most comfortable mix. The phase switches are also handy to
a signal from a cue
mix. It is easy to send the control room mix to a singer and turn down the bass for
instance by assigning the bass to one of the mono inputs, pushing the phase switch, and
adjusting the level control to cancel some of the bass signal in the main mix of the
singer’s headphones. These common tricks of the trade regularly used in recording
studios of the past are once again made available and easy with MQ.
Another good trick of the recording trade that seems to be becoming rare these
days is having
really good, accurate
meters for proper system calibration and level
setting. The VU movements are top-notch Sifam Clarity Focus movements with
backlighting and an Offset switch to turn the sensitivity down in when listening to high
levels of program modulation (i.e. in mastering). The VU meter sensitivity switch is
located on the rear panel.
The digital meter is a Prime LED set with custom ballistics designed to provide
simultaneous average and peak level indication. An Over Modulation indicator lights
when three consecutive words at full scale are detected to tell you if there is serious
clipping of program material.