Parameter 5-12 Terminal 27
Digital Input
[18] Preset ref bit 2
[19] Freeze reference
[20] Speed up
[22] Speed down
[23] Set-up select bit 0
[34] Ramp bit 0
[52] Run permissive
[53] Hand start
[54] Auto start
[60] Counter A (up)
[61] Counter A (down)
[62] Reset Counter A
[63] Counter B (up)
[64] Counter B (down)
[65] Reset Counter B
[6] Stop inverse
Select the input function for terminal 27.
Parameter 5-40 Function Relay
[0] Functional relay
parameter 5-40 Function Relay
Select the function to control output relay
Parameter 5-40 Function Relay
[1] Functional relay
parameter 5-40 Function Relay
Drive running
Select the function to control output relay
Parameter 6-10 Terminal 53
Low Voltage
0–10 V
0.07 V
Enter the voltage that corresponds to the
low reference value.
Parameter 6-11 Terminal 53
High Voltage
0–10 V
10 V
Enter the voltage to the high reference val-
Parameter 6-14 Terminal 53
Low Ref./ Feedb. Value
-4999 to +4999
Size related
Enter the reference value that corresponds
to the voltage set in
parameter 6-10 Termi-
nal 53 Low Voltage
Parameter 6-15 Terminal 53
High Ref./ Feedb. Value
-4999 to +4999
Enter the reference value that corresponds
to the voltage set in
parameter 6-11 Termi-
nal 53 High Voltage
Parameter 6-22 Terminal 54
Low Current
0.00–20.00 mA
4.00 mA
Enter the current that corresponds to the
low reference value.
Parameter 6-23 Terminal 54
High Current
0–10 V
10 V
Enter the current that corresponds to the
high reference value.
Parameter 6-24 Terminal 54
Low Ref./ Feedb. Value
-0.00 to +20.00 mA
20.00 mA
Enter the reference value that corresponds
to the current set in
parameter 6-20 Termi-
nal 54 Low Voltage
Operating Guide | VLT® Compressor Drive CDS 803
AQ321748767627en-000101 / 130R0570| 35
Danfoss A/S © 2019.12