0-76 DST/Summertime Start
0 N/A*
[0 - 0 N/A]
Sets the date and time when summertime/DST starts. The date is programmed in the format se-
lected in par. 0-71
Date Format
0-77 DST/Summertime End
0 N/A*
[0 - 0 N/A]
Sets the date and time when summertime/DST ends. The date is programmed in the format selected
in par. 0-71
Date Format
5.2.3 General Settings, 1-0*
Define whether the frequency converter operates in open loop or closed loop.
1-00 Configuration Mode
[0] *
Open Loop
Motor speed is determined by applying a speed reference or by setting desired speed when in Hand
Open Loop is also used if the frequency converter is part of a closed loop control system based on
an external PID controller providing a speed reference signal as output.
Closed Loop
Motor Speed will be determined by a reference from the built-in PID controller varying the motor
speed as part of a closed loop control process (e.g. constant pressure or flow). The PID controller
must be configured in par. 20-** or via the Function Setups accessed by pressing the [Quick Menus]
This parameter cannot be changed when motor is running.
When set for Closed Loop, the commands Reversing and Start Reversing will not reverse the direction of the motor.
1-20 Motor Power [kW]
4.00 kW*
[0.09 - 3000.00 kW]
Enter the nominal motor power in kW according to the motor nameplate data. The default value
corresponds to the nominal rated output of the unit.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running. Depending on the choices made in
par. 0-03
Regional Settings
, either par. 1-20
or par. 1-21
Motor Power [HP]
made invisible.
1-22 Motor Voltage
400. V*
[10. - 1000. V]
Enter the nominal motor voltage according to the motor nameplate data. The default value corre-
sponds to the nominal rated output of the unit.
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.
VLT AQUA High Power Operation Instructions
5 How to programme the frequency converter
MG.20.P3.02 - VLT
is a registered Danfoss trademark