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Termix VVX-IV - 7 Series DS Fully insulated
Safety valve
The purpose of the safety valve is to protect the HIU from excessive
The blow-off pipe from the safety valve must not be closed.
The blow-off pipe outlet should be placed so that it discharges freely
and so that any dripping from the safety valve can be clearly seen.
Access to safety valve
• Remove the inspection hatch, service hatch and frame.
• Complete pipe work from blow-off pipe to drain.
see diagram
IMIT Thermostat
The IMIT thermostat is used to limit the underfloor heating flow
temperature. The IMIT thermostat is preset to 60 °C and will shut off
the pump and the primary on/off valve when the flow to the underfloor
heating exceeds 60 °C.
If not already factory-fitted, the IMIT thermostat should be fitted on the
secondary side flow pipe as close to the HIU as possible using the steel
band provided.
To adjust the IMIT thermostat, loosen the visible screw. The cover can
now be removed and the scale adjusted to the desired temperature.
see diagram
Waste adaptor
The waste adapter is supplied loose and is used for pipework to the drain.