Mounting of Replacement
1. Avoid contamination - also oil in connectors.
2. Avoid harming LVDT pin.
3. Depending on PVB – actuator orientation place one or all bolts in actuator bolt holes.
4. Reassure that O-rings are in place on actuator.
5. Place actuator on PVB and screw bolts lose and clockwise.
6. Tighten bolts to torque indicated in instruction.
7. Connect wiring.
Test and use of PVG and Actuator
After replacement of actuator the system must be tested after manufactures guidelines.
After service the PVG must be tested according to manufactures guidelines. Ensure that safety functions
and performance apply to demands.
Before restart bleed system. PVG can be bleed through PVM. Let application run for In worst cases air
must be washed out by oil in up to 5 minutes activation.
Returning Replaced Actuator for Customer Claims
If replaced actuator is returned to Danfoss for analysis description of malfunction and application must
be submitted too. See form in section “returning claims”.
Service Manual
PVE Series 7
Exchanging PVE
Danfoss | August 2017
AX00000348en-US | 0101 | 15