Product image
JS2000 joystick
Description/theory of operation
JS2000 joysticks are low force, fingertip control joysticks. They are available in an X, XY and XYZ
configuration. The Z axis is accomplished with a twist grip. Two of three grip options may have a single,
momentary switch.
Hall effect sensors are used to measure shaft position. There are two independent sensors per axis on the
X and XY options and a single sensor per axis on the XYZ option. The nominal output signal range for the
X and XY axis sensors is 10% to 90% of joystick supply voltage. The nominal output signal range for the Z
axis is 25% to 75% of joystick supply voltage.
Compliant JS2000 function blocks
supports the X, XY and XYZ versions of the joystick and the
optional grip button switch.
The XYZ option is not supported.
compliant function block algorithm
uses one sensor input per axis to determine handle direction and
null position. The algorithm does not compare the dual sensor signals.
compliant function block
requires that the JS2000 joystick be supplied with 5 Vdc regulated sensor
power provided by a PLUS+1
control device.
Electrical specifications
Sensor type
Hall effect
Supply voltage range (Vs)
5 ± 0.5 Vdc, regulated
Over voltage, maximum
15 Vdc
Reverse voltage, maximum
14.5 Vdc
Output voltage range:
X and XY, ± 40% span: Nominal 0.5 to 4.5 Vdc
Z, ± 25% span: Nominal 1.1 to 3.0 Vdc
Output impedance
100 Ω each axis
Center tap voltage (no load)
50% Vs ± 1%
Center tap impedance
1.1 kΩ
Return to center voltage (no load)
X and Y axis—within ± 60 mV of Vs/2 at 20°C (68°F), ± 73 mV over full
temperature range
Z axis—within ± 100 mV of Vs/2 @ 20°C (68°F), ± 100 mV over full
temperature range
Current consumption
17.5 mA, nominal
Electrical Installation
Product overview
Danfoss | May 2017
BC00000248en-US0202 | 5