IC.PS.600.A4.02 / 520B2809
© Danfoss A/S (IA-MC/mhe) 05-2007 / 520B2809
IC.PS.600.A4.02 / 520B2809
Fault location
Coil burnt - cold with voltage on
Probable cause
Incorrect voltage/frequency
Check coil data.
If necessary, change to correct coil type.
Check wiring diagram and wiring.
Check maximum voltage variation:
Permissible voltage variation:
±10% for dual frequency; dc and NO applications
+10% / -15% for ac on single frequency voltages
Coil short-circuit
(could be moisture in coil)
Check rest of installation for possible short-circuiting.
Check lead connections at coil.
When fault has been found, replace coil. (See also "Coil"
in section "Installation"). Consider fitting a 'clip-on' style
coil with addional sealing O-ring (for high performance
range only).
Armature sluggish
a) Damaged/bent armature tube
b) Damaged armature
c) Dirt in armature tube
Replace defective component(s).
Remove dirt.
Temperature of medium too high
Check valve and coil data in relation to installation
Change to suitable coil or valve.
Ambient temperature too high
If possible, move valve to colder surroundings.
Check valve and coil data in relation to installation
Increase ventilation around valve and coil.