background image


The appropriate indicator lights at the top of the keypad will illuminate.

The complete programme may be checked by the use of the 



Each press of this key will advance the programme by one event allowing 
a complete review in chronological sequence commencing from the day 
and time on display. If a particular day’s programme is to be reviewed then 
key the day number followed by 

  0 0 0 0

 and Verify

when the fi rst programmed event for that day will be displayed then 
proceed with repeated presses of the 



When reprogramming one or more events, unwanted events must be 
cleared by advancing to the event in question using the 


 key as 

explained above and then clearing it by a single press on the 




When programming of 

Channel 1

 is complete, turn the key to 


Channel 2

 and enter the programme required for this channel in the 

same manner.

When pressing either the 


 keypads the appropriate indicator light at 

the bottom left of the keypad will illuminate.

Note: The 200 switching operations are able to be freely spread over 
both channels. If a common event time is required on both channels this 
represents only one switching operation.

To clear the entire programme on both channels, press and hold down the 


 key for approximately 3 seconds until the display shows



On completion of the programming return the key to 


and both selector 

switches to 



Extend Facility

The mains electricity supply must be 


 and the keyswitch set to 



before carrying out the operations detailed on this page.

The unit is supplied with an extend facility to allow additional periods of 
operation without disturbing the set programme.

At the time of installation, the extend period is set to 1 hour on each 
channel but this can easily be altered. Different extend periods can be set 
for each channel.

To alter the extend period:

Insert the key and turn to 

Set Channel 1.

Press Channel 1 


 and the display will show the extend period set 

for Channel 1.

Press any of the numerical keypads to alter the extend period to 1 to 8 
hours or 0 to disable the function (display will show 


), or 9 for a constant 

extend period (display will show



Once the required extend period is displayed, press 

‘Enter On’

 and the 

new extend period will be stored.

To alter the extend period on Channel 2, use the above procedure on 
Channel 2.

Using the Extend Function:

With the keyswitch set to 


, pressing the appropriate 



the additional period of operation on that channel.

If the key is pressed when the output is 


it will switch the relative 

channel on immediately and will automatically switch off after the extend 
period has elapsed. The associated red indicator light will be illuminated 
throughout the extend period.

If the key is pressed when the output is ‘


’ the current ‘


’ period on the 

relative channel will be extended by the length of the extend period. The 
red indicator light will be illuminated until the output is switched off.

The Extend facility may be cancelled at any time by pressing the key 
again when the indicator light will go out and the unit will revert to the 
set programme.

Crop Facility

This facility enables a current 


 period to be cancelled without having 

to disturb the set programme.

If the 


 key is pressed when the output light is illuminated it will switch 

the output off  on the relative channel until the next programmed 



event. During the remainder of the present 


 period the associated red 

light will be illuminated and the output light will be off. The programme 
event lights will remain unchanged.

Pressing the 


 key again will cancel the Crop facility and restore the 

unit to the set programme.


: Pressing the 


 key when the output is already programmed to 

be off will have no effect.


The unit does not rely on the internal battery in order to work satisfactorily 
providing the mains power supply is connected to the unit. The battery is 
fi tted purely to memorise the Time of Day and selected Switching Times 
in the event of a power failure or disconnection of supply.

When the unit is fi rst connected it will require a minimum of 24 hours to 
become suffi ciently charged in order to perform this memory function. 
Thereafter the battery is automatically recharged.

If the mains power supply is lost, for any reason, the display and lights on the 
unit will go out and the output will be switched off. The battery will maintain 
the memory for a period of up to 3 months during this condition. When the 
power supply is restored, the unit will automatically switch on again and 
resume the set programme without any resetting being necessary.

Danfoss Randall can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss Randall reserves 
the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products already on order provided that such alterations can be made without 
subsequent changes being necessary in specifi cations already agreed.

Danfoss Randall Ltd,

Ampthill Road, 
Bedford MK42 9ER.
Tel: (01234) 364621   Fax: (01234) 219705
Email: [email protected]












No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7




ON 0830 ON 0929 ON 0436 OFF 0034 ON 0929 ON 0853 



OFF 1342 OFF 2317 OFF 1129  ON  0708 OFF 2317 OFF 1342
















  Assigned Day No. 

 Event /Time

 Channel 1


 Channel 2 

  Part No: 3076  Issue 6   12/05
