User Guide
SonoMeter 40
6 | BC389148615526en-010101
© Danfoss | Energy Meters | 2021.09
2. Determination of
measurement errors of
the meter
2.1. Volume measuring
errors determination test
The determination of volume measurement errors shall be carried out in the hydrodynamic test
bench in the following order:
1) The test mode is activated in accordance with section 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 of this instruction.
2) The volume measuring errors should be evaluated at control flow rates specified in EN1434-5.
3) The volume of water, passing through the meter can be read directly from the indicating device
(with resolution 1 ml);
- Via meter optical output, using the optical reading head according to 62056-21;
- Or trough wired volume pulse 2nd output (for a complete meter with a connected pulse input /
output cable and for a meter activated in test mode according to p.1.2 of this instruction);
4) Volume pulse values in test mode are presented in table 1p:
Table 1p
Permanent flow-rate qp of the heat meter, m³/h
Volume pulse value in test mode, litre/pulse
0,6 and 1,0
3,5 and 6
10; 15 and 25
40 and 60
2.2. Energy measurement
errors determination test
The energy measurement error of a calculator with temperature sensors pair shall be evaluated by
immersing the temperature sensors in a temperature regulated baths. The test shall be performed in
the following order:
1) The test mode is activated in accordance with section 1.2 of this instruction;
2) The meter temperature sensors are immersed in thermostatic baths, which form the supply and
return line temperature and temperature difference values specified in EN 1434-5.
NOTE: energy measurement error determination may be performed separately for a calculator with
a flow sensor. In this case, the temperature and temperature differences of the supply and return line
specified in EN 1434-5 are simulated by connecting the reference resistors to the calculator terminals
3) Long press the button (for more than 5 seconds) activates the simulation of the volume pulses (the
meter display periodically shows "SF" with the nominal flow rate of the meter, m³/h):
4) After 2,5 min. the volume simulation is completed, the sign „SF“ turns off. To calculate the energy
measurement error, the simulated volume and energy readings shall be visually read from the
meter display;
5) The amount of volume or energy can be read through the wired pulse output (if it is equipped in
the meter);
6) The amount of volume or energy can be read through the meter's optical interface output using an
optical scan head that complies with EN 62056-21;
7) Energy pulse values in test mode are presented in table 2p:
Table 2p
Permanent flow-rate qp
of the heat meter, m³/h
Energy pulse value based on displayed energy units:
„kWh“, „MWh“
0,6 and 1,0
0,1 Wh/pulse
0,5 kJ/ pulse
0,1 kcal/ pulse
0,2 Wh/ pulse
1 kJ/ pulse
0,2 kcal/ pulse
0,5 Wh/ pulse
2 kJ/ pulse
0,5 kcal/ pulse
3,5 and 6
1 Wh/ pulse
5 kJ/ pulse
1 kcal/ pulse
10; 15 and 25
2 Wh/ pulse
10 kJ/ pulse
2 kcal/ pulse
40 and 60
5 Wh/ pulse
20 kJ/ pulse
5 kcal/ pulse
0,6 and 1,0
10 Wh/ pulse
50 kJ/ pulse
10 kcal/ pulse