Functions and Features:
1. The strong two part eaves beam includes an integral gutter. Downpipes are also included
as standard so you can collect rainwater.
Automatic Opener
Manual Opener
2. Manual window handles are included as standard with the roof vents. If required,
automatic roof vent openers are available as an inexpensive optional extra.
3. Remove approximately 2 inches of film from all sheet edges before installing and remove
all film immediately after the construction is completed. Please ensure that the side
with the white
lm faces outwards.
4. This quality greenhouse features self-tapping screws to provide strong joints. As the name
suggests, the screws tap their own thread. Driving in self-tapping screws requires more
force than conventional screws. A powered screwdriver is therefore recommended.
White Film
Transparent Film
Two sides of PC sheet are covered with thin films, one side's film is white, another
istransparent. The UV-protected side of PC sheet is covered with white film and
mustface towards the Sun.