Installation Guide
TG-0057_19 TM4 SUMO HD CO300-A1_A2_A2.5 Installation Guide
© Dana TM4 inc., 2013-2020
Page 33 of 42
2020-11-20 EmergencyStop signal/safety circuit for all models except A-01 & -06
Emergency Stop
signal is driven by a software algorithm.
When the MCU is disabled (IGNITION input at Vaux- (Chassis)), this signal is at high impedance.
On boot-up from the time the MCU is enabled (IGNITION input at Vaux+ level); this signal is maintained at
Vaux+ level for a minimum of 10 seconds.
After this period of time and as long as the MCU is kept enabled (IGNITION input at Vaux+ level), this
signal will only go at high impedance if the following abnormal condition occurs:
The MCU is no longer in an Operational state and the high-voltage battery current measured by the
MCU is beyond established safe limits (-30 A to +30 A).
: Once the signal has changed state, the high-voltage contactor to the MCU must be opened and
the MCU disabled to prevent injury to the user and/or damage to the components.
Figure 14
Suggested HVIL/EmergencyStop safety circuit – all models except -A-01 & -06