Dana Incorporated
IMM-0016EN - Installation and Maintenance Manual
Gearbox is Heating Up too
You are using Worm Gear Box
and ambient tenp is lower
than +40 Celsius
Measure the surface temp. using a temperature measuring de-
vice under full load. If the temp is under +80 Celsius this will make
no harm to the gearbox and is normal. All ATEX conforming gear-
boxes and standart worm gearboxes are designed to work under
max. +120 Celsius. If higher than +120 Celsius and using ATEX
conforming gear box immidiately stop the system and contact
Dana Motion Systems Italia S.r.l.. Go to ID 100. If not ATEX con-
firming check the oil type and oil quantitiy/level according your
mounting position and check the nameplate mounting position.
If nameplate mounting position does not fit the actual position
goto ID 100.
Gearbox is Heating Up too
You are using Helical Gear
Box. Ambient temp is lower
than +40 Celsius
Measure the surface temp. using a temperature measuring de-
vice under full load. If the temp is under +80 Celsius this will make
no harm to the gearbox and is normal. All ATEX conforming gear-
boxes are designed to work under max. +120 Celsius. If higher
than +120 Celsius and using ATEX conforming gear box immidi-
ately stop the system and contact Dana Motion Systems Italia
S.r.l.. If not ATEX gearbox the gearbox is designed to work under
max. +80 Celsious. If higher than +80 Celsius check the oil type
and oil quantitiy/level according your mounting position and
check the nameplate mounting position. If nameplate mounting
position does not fit the actual position goto ID 100
Gearbox is Heating Up too
Ambient Temp is over +40
Standart Gearboxes are designed to work under +40 Celsius.
ambient temperature. If ambient temp is higher than +40 Celsius
special solutions/gearboxes are required. Please contact Dana
Motion Systems Italia S.r.l..
Gearbox is noisy
Noise is regular continious
Check Your moving parts for noise. Disassemble the gearbox
and run without load. If you still hear the noise motor bearings or
gearbox bearings are defect. Change bearings. Goto ID 100
Gearbox is noisy
Noise is random
Check Your moving parts for noise. Disassemble the gearbox
and run without load. If you hear still the noise the oil may has
some particles inside. Change the oil and look for small particles.
If metal particles are found the gearbox may have some demage.
Goto ID 100
Gearbox is noisy
Regular nocking noise
Check Your moving parts for noise. Disassemble the gearbox
and run without load. If you still hear the noise one of the gears
inside is defect. Goto ID 100
Gearbox is noisy
Regular up and down noise
Check the output-shaft connection alements for runout. Take out
the output shaft element and run without load. If you still hear the
noise one of the gears has runout problem. Goto ID 100
Gearbox is noisy
Gearbox is with braked motor
and noise is comming from
the brake side randomly.
Low randomly clicking noise may come from the brake disk
which is normal. If noise level is disturbing the brake may be de-
fect or brake clearance is not adjusted. Goto ID 100
Gearbox is noisy
You are using frequency in-
verter and the noise level is
changing according your
The frequency inverter parameters are not optimized for the fre-
quency range or motor you are using. Observe the frequency in-
verters manual. If still same problem change the ratio of gearbox.
Goto ID 100
Oil is Leaking
Oil Leakage from Seal
If ambient Temp is over +40 Celsious or none stop work over 16
hours please change the top plug with a breather plug. Observe
this manual for using breather plug. If this is not your case the
seal could be damaged. Goto ID 100
Oil is Leaking
Oil Leakage from Plug
If you are using breather plug be sure it is in the correct place.
This is the most top plug position according your mounting posi-
tion. The plug may be not tight enough. There are some particles
under the plug rubber surface. Clean and tifgten the plug. If still
same problem goto ID 100