Configuring the channels
The Master Power 3+ and Master Power 2+
amplifiers offer several configuration options that
allow you to combine incoming signals and amp
channels, and to filter high- or low-frequency signals
out of any channel. All can be easily accessed
through the Crossover Adjustment panel on the back.
To access the controls, use a 3/32 Allen wrench to
remove the two screws holding the panel in place.
If you can’t fit your fingers in to flip the switches, use
something made of wood or soft plastic to flip the
switches. A toothpick works great.
Bussing and Bridging Options
The three toggle switches on the top half of the switch panel allow the channels to be
bussed (or “daisy-chained”) and bridged in various configurations.
Normal mode (default setting)
The three toggle switches are all set to the right position, as you’re looking
at the rear of the amp. This allows all three channels to work
independently, so each one carries a different signal and puts out 300
watts into 8 ohms. This is the position the switches will be in when you
first receive the amplifier.
Bus channels 1 and 2
Flip the top toggle switch to left to send the same signal to channels 1
and 2. The signal on input 1 will now be fed to channels 1 and 2. This
works the same way with the Master Power 3+ and 2+. This is a useful
feature if you want to biamplify your speakers, using one channel for the
woofer and the other channel for the midrange and tweeter. This works
only with speakers that have dual sets of binding posts for biwiring. Make
sure you remove the metal jumpers connected between the binding posts,
otherwise you could damage the amplifier.
Bus channels 1, 2 and 3
This feature works only with the Master Power 3+. Flip the middle toggle
switch (second from the top) to the left. The signal on input 1 will now be
fed to channels 1, 2 and 3. Use this mode if you want to triamplify your
speakers, using separate amp channels for the woofer, midrange and
tweeter. This works only with speakers that have three sets of binding
posts for triwiring. Make sure you remove the metal jumpers connected
between the binding posts, otherwise you could damage the amplifier.