Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
EXSYNC (Triggers Frame Readout)
Fram e rate can be set internally u sing the serial interface. The external control signal
EXSYN C is op tional and enabled throu gh the serial interface. This cam era u ses the
edge of EXSYN C
to trigger p ixel read ou t. Section Exp osu re Mod e and Line / Fram e Rate
for d etails on how to set fram e tim es, exp osu re tim es, an d cam era m od es.
Direction Control
You control the CCD shift d irection throu gh the serial interface. With the softw are
com m and ,
, you d eterm ine w hether the d irection control is set via softw are control or
via the control sign al on CC3. Refer to section Setting the Cam era’s CCD Shift Direction
for d etails.
Output Signals
N ote that LVAL and FVAL are em bed d ed in d ata lanes. For ad d itional in form ation refer
to the H SLink su p p lem entary inform ation below .
5 serial lanes
@ 312.5 Mb/sec
Frame Grabber
We can su p p ly H SLink an d DC p ow er cables. Contact u s and u se the follow ing p art
nu m bers to ord er:
Part No.
H SLink d ata cable 5M w ith screw lock connectors
H SLink d ata cable 10M w ith screw lock connectors
H SLink d ata cable 15M w ith screw lock connectors
DC p ow er cable. Lem o 2-p in to op en -end ed cable.
H SLink cables are also available from a nu m ber of su p p lies, inclu d ing:
w w w .com p onentsexp ress.com
w w w .gore.com
w w w .hew tech.co.jp
This camera’s data
should be sampled on
the rising edge of