SECTION 6: WindMaster Challenges
Directors: The idea here is to add fun and a little competitive spirit.
Make up your own challenges as well.
All-Band Challenge
Select 5 students (or however many) per day. This could
be done before, during, or after band – whatever works
best for you. At first, a number of students may feel
embarrased to do the
in front of their peers.
For this reason, it may be best to
do this in
front of the
whole band. Perhaps the TOP 10 could have a “play-off”
in front of the entire band.
Each student gets 3 – 5 breaths (you determine that).
Count total pegs or take best single breath.
Possible playoffs for TOP 10
Have incentives for winners.
Students can also be graded on the results. The director should
monitor these challenges whenever possible, especially so that
feedback and help can be given regarding the relaxation of the
breath. But in the interest of the director’s limited time, students
could also do this among themselves and report the scores to the
Section Challenge
Have sections compete against each other. To determine winner,
figure section average (total the scores in each section and divide
by number of players).
Playoffs Of Section Champions
Determine the
champion in each section of the band
(perhaps combining small sections, like bassoons and oboes).
Have the section champions compete with each other to determine
the band champion.