Mechanical Installation
Locating the Temperature Sensor
Refer to
, and
for recommendations.
Recommendations and Requirements:
• First choice for the sensor location is a north eave or northern exposure, away from direct sunlight
and above grass. This location gives extra stability and accuracy to the sensor because of the
additional shade usually provided by a northern exposure.
• Second choice for locating the sensor is on the display itself, or somewhere on the display structure.
(This works best with light-colored displays.) Locate the sensor above, below, or on the northern edge
of the display to keep the sensor shaded as much as possible. Sensor readings are more accurate if
there is grass below the sign, rather than concrete or asphalt.
Things to Avoid:
• The sensor requires a location away from chimneys, air conditioners, vents, tar roofs, concrete, and
parking lots, all of which can cause abnormal temperature fluctuations and incorrect sensor readings.
For accurate readings under these conditions, keep a separation of at least 20-30 feet horizontally and
8 feet vertically between the sensor and the influential element.
• Locations that restrict air movement are also unsatisfactory.
• When a display has two faces, do not mount the sensor between the faces.
Connecting the Temperature Sensor
After properly locating the sensing device, follow these steps to connect it with the display:
The temperature sensor is equipped with outdoor-rated cable that has a four-pin quick-connect plug
on the end. Route the cable from the sensor to the back of display.
A four-pin quick-connect jack located on the back panel of the display connects the sensor cable to
the display. Refer to the Shop Drawing for the exact location of the jack on a particular model. Simply
plug in the sensor cable and tighten the connector collar to the display. A factory-installed internal
cable, runs from the sensor jack to the TB1 connector on the driver inside the housing.
State Bank
8 AM - 5 PM
Temperature Sensor Attached to
North Side of Display
Figure 3:
Temperature Sensor Mounted
on Display
State Bank
8 AM - 5 PM
Temperature Sensor Attached to
Display Structure
Figure 4:
Temperature Sensor Mounted
on Structure
Mounted under north eave
1/2” conduit
(supplied by customer)
1 ft.
Figure 5:
Temperature Sensor
Mounted Under North Eave