Possible Problem
The gear shift indicator
The optional gear shift sending
Connect the sending unit to the
does not light up.
unit is not connected to the
control box using the
control box.
instructions supplied with the
sending unit.
The gear shift indicator
The gear shift sending unit
Check the connections to the
does not operate
is not connected properly.
transmission linkage and to
the control box.
Connect 12 volts to the sending
unit power wire.
The colored bulbs in
The LED bulbs are not
Connect the wires found on the
the display panel for
connected into the auto's
back of the aluminum panel
turn signals and high
electrical system.
to your cars electrical system
beam do not light up.
(these are not wired into the
as explained in the Optional
(not found on all units)
display system control box)
Indicators section of the manual.
The internal turn signal
The control box is not connected
Check the wires connected to the
and high beam
to the vehicle's electrical
indicators do not light up.
system properly.
terminals on the control box.
The check engine
The control box is not connected
This feature is designed to work
indicator does not
to a TPI control module.
with engine control systems that
operate properly.
provide an active low signal.
The check engine
The Engine Control Module
Connect a light or similar load
indicator stays on
(ECM) needs to see the
to the ECM along with the
all of the time.
load of a light connected to it.
control box.
Trip select and trip reset
Select and reset switches are
Momentary push-button or toggle
functions do not operate
not connected to the control
switches must be connected to
the TRIP and RESET terminals
as described in the Trip meter
section of the installation manual
The wrong type of switch is
The switch terminal connected
being used.
to the control box should
normally be open. When the
the switch is activated, the
terminal should make contact
to ground.
The display system starts
The TRIP terminal is constantly
Disconnect or replace the trip
up in the demonstration
connected to ground.
select switch.
mode and remains in it.
The speed always shows
The WRN terminal is constantly
Check wiring to the WRN
connected to ground.
terminal for a short to ground.