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The setup menu allows customization of the climate control system and viewing of system information. Use the following
steps for making changes to the setup.
Start with the key OFF.
Press and hold MODE button then turn the key to on.
The setup screen will appear with “EXIT SETUP” highlighted at the top.
Use the FAN up and down button to select the desired setup option (Selected option is highlighted).
Press the TEMP up or down button to change settings for selected option
To leave setup turn the key off
or select “EXIT SETUP” and press TEMP up or down
The available options in the setup menu in order from top to bottom are:
This option allows exit from the setup menu by pressing either the TEMP up or down buttons when EXIT SETUP
is highlighted. Setup may also be exited at any point by turning the ignition off.
This option selects how the temperature is displayed. Selecting F displays temperatures in Fahrenheit. Selecting
C displays temperatures in Celsius.
This option regulates the use of high speed when the fan is in auto mode. When set to ON, the fan is allowed to
go into high speed when needed. If set to OFF, the fan will not go into high mode with fan in auto. High fan
speeds may still be achieved by manually setting the fan speed to high. This option is provided to allow the cabin
noise from the high fan to be reduced. It is important to note that, depending on the vehicle, the system may have
difficulty maintaining the desired temperature without the fan high speed.
This option allows defrost to be turned off for Gen II modules that do not have defrost capability. Use the
ENABLED setting for systems equipped with defrost. Use the DISABLED setting if defrost is not available.
This option allows the minimum evaporator temperature to be set. If the GEN module freezes up, setting this to a
higher temperature should fix the problem. This setting is always displayed in degrees Fahrenheit.
This option sets the size of the vehicle. The three options are SML (small), MED (medium), LRG (large). This
setting effects how tightly the temperature is controlled. The small setting keeps the temperature within a much
smaller range around the set point but may toggle between heating and cooling and use more of the high fan
setting in a larger cabin. The large cabin setting allows for a little more difference from the set temperature but will
do less
“hunting” for the set temperature in the large cabins. Set this according to preference for your vehicle.
This menu option allows viewing of software code versions for the climate control system. The technician may
need these version numbers to troubleshoot problems with the system.
The DCC-2200/2300 is designed to work with the GEN II module from Vintage Air. See the Vintage Air manual for the
installation instructions for the GEN II module. If the GEN II module is not yet installed, it may be easier to put the
temperature sensors into the module before installing it into the vehicle.
When drilling into the GEN module to install
sensors, care must be taken not to drill too deep!
Drilling too deep may puncture the coils in the
evaporator permanently damaging the GEN module!
To prevent drilling too deep, place a piece of
I.D. rubber hose over the drill bit leaving only about
¼ inch of drill bit exposed (see Figure 2 at right).
Figure 2:
Example of drill stop using a piece of
rubber hose to prevent drilling too deep