Dairyland SSD Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 3

Dairyland Electrical Industries  •  P.O. Box 187 Stoughton, WI 53589  •  608-877-9900  •  www.dairyland.com  •  [email protected]

Document ID: 4557 

SSD Installation Instructions 

Published Date: 2019.08.20


Measure the steady-state short-circuit AC-RMS current 

between the SSD connection points with a clamp-on 

ammeter. The short-circuit AC-RMS steady-state current 

measured should be less than the steady-state AC current 

rating of the SSD model ordered.

3.  After installation, the DC voltage across the SSD terminals 

can  be  measured  to  confirm  that  the  expected  value  of 

cathodic  protection  voltage  exists,  assuming  the  cathodic 

protection system is ON. (The voltage measured with a 

voltmeter will be less than the actual cathodic protection 

voltage because it is not being measured with respect to a 

reference cell.)

4.  After installation, the steady-state AC current through the 

SSD conductors can again be measured. The current 

measured should be comparable to the value measured 

prior to installation since the AC impedance of the SSD is 

negligible (i.e., about 10 milliohms at 60 Hz).

5.  To verify correct device operation while in service, measure 

the pipe to soil voltage using a reference cell. An acceptable 

CP reading will indirectly indicate correct operation with DC 

isolation, as device conduction would bond the CP system 

to ground (or to the other connected structure) and affect 

the CP reading. While an indirect test, it has proven to be a 

good indicator of operation. An unacceptable reading may 

be due to other factors besides the Dairyland device, and if 

needed perform the following additional tests.

6.  The definitive test is one performed with the device out of 

circuit. If the device is in service, disconnect the CP structure 

attachment conductor (typically at the negative terminal) so 

that the product is isolated, but first addressing any safety 

issues such as adding a current-rated bonding jumper 

between the two connection points, wearing insulating 

gloves, etc. Note that if the Dairyland device is performing 

mitigation of induced AC voltage, disconnecting the device 

will leave the structure as an open circuit, and the induced 

voltage on the pipeline may rise to high levels. Therefore, 

take appropriate safety measures before proceeding. 

Next,  momentarily  short  the  device  terminals  to  remove 

any residual charge that may be on the internal capacitor. 

Connect a multi-meter, set to the lowest Ohms scale, across 

the terminals. If the product is functional, the resistance 

will start at zero ohms and then very slowly increase as 

the capacitor in the decoupler begins to charge from the 

multi-meter. The test may be discontinued at this point, as 

charging the capacitor can take up to 10 minutes, and it is 

only necessary to observe this general response briefly. If 

the product is failed, the reading will remain fixed and at a 

very low resistance value, typically a fraction of one Ohm.

If  any  measurements  do  not  produce  the  expected  results, 

contact Dairyland.


The SSD does not require routine maintenance, but if the 

cathodic protection voltage level near the SSD is below the 

normal or expected value, it is suggested that the unit be field 

tested following procedures available from Dairyland.

If a problem is suspected, contact Dairyland for trouble-

shooting assistance. If repairs are necessary the unit is to be 

returned to Dairyland for diagnosis and repair after requesting 

a Return Material Authorization (RMA).

The SSD is designed to fail as a short-circuit to assure safety 

grounding at all times if the unit fails due to excessive AC fault 

current or lightning current beyond rating.


•  The device shall be placed into service in accordance with 

the ratings and limitations stated in the installation and 

operating instructions.

•  No ongoing maintenance is required, as the device is designed 

to be maintenance-free, and is of solid-state construction with 

no moving, wearing, or serviceable parts.

•  During installation the device should be handled and mounted 

in a location so that direct impact is minimized.

•  Regular testing of the device is not required. Users who 

desire to verify the operating condition of the device should 

refer to the section entitled “Field Testing.” Observe all safety 

precautions described, in addition to industry or company 

safety practices.

•  WARNING: Potential electrostatic charging hazard – Plastic 

enclosures are to be cleaned or wiped only with a damp cloth.

•  Products  marked  CE,  Ex  II  3  G  are  Equipment  Group  II, 

Equipment Category 3, and comply with the Essential 

Health and Safety Requirements relating to the design and 

construction  of  such  equipment  given  in  Annex  II  to  the 

Directive 94/9/EC.

•  This equipment is intended for use in area in which explosive 

atmospheres caused by gasses, vapors, mists, air or dust 

mixtures  are  unlikely  to  occur,  or  are  likely  to  occur  only 

infrequently and for short periods. Such locations correspond 

to Zone 2 classification according to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC.

•  This equipment complies with standards EN 60079-0:2012 

and  EN  60079-15:2010  per  certificate  number  DEMKO  05 

ATEX  0431689X  and  IEC  60079-0  Ed.  6  and  IEC  60079- 

15  Ed.  4,  per  certificate  number  IECEx  UL  14.0021X.  The 

Quality Assurance Report is based on ISO/IEC 80079-34: 

Edition 1 2011-04.
