Contour Gen 2 Flex (Side Bend)
Installation Guide
1. (Existing Signs Only) Prior to installation, survey the site for information regarding power and accessibility inside
and outside the building. Ensure that the branch circuit supplying the existing transformer or ballast will be within
the voltage ratings of the new LED power supply, and have a current rating not exceeding 20A, or that permitted by
applicable local, state, or country electrical codes (whichever is less).
2. (Existing Signs Only) Remove the existing lighting equipment to be replaced, such as neon tubing or fluorescent
tubes; and associated transformers and ballasts. Care should be taken not to break the existing neon or fluorescent
tubes. NOTE: Follow all federal and local regulations when disposing of neon tubing, fluorescent tubes, transformers
and ballasts.
3. (Existing Signs Only) If removal of the existing lighting equipment eliminates the disconnect switch, as required by
applicable local, state, or country electrical codes; a new disconnect switch must be installed.
4. (Existing Signs Only) Repair and seal any unused openings in the electrical enclosure. Openings greater than 12.7-mm
(1/2-in) diameter require a metal patch secured by screws or rivets and caulked with non-hardening caulk. Smaller
openings may be sealed with non-hardening caulk.
5. Using the layout guidelines above, determine required number of LED modules required to illuminate the sign.
6. A 24VDC Class 2 Power Supply, as listed below, must be used with this retrofit kit. Determine the number of Power
Supplies required to power the number of LED modules required to illuminate the sign, so as not to overload the Power
Supply chosen.
7. Follow Method A, B or C to mount the Contour Gen 2 Flex.
8. Connect the DC output of the power supply to the LED modules using the Electrical Connections instructions above.
9. Connect the power unit to the supply in accordance with the applicable local, state, and country electrical codes, and
the instructions found in the power supply installation guide.
10. If required, the disconnect switch shall be installed by qualified personnel, in accordance with applicable local, state,
and country electrical codes.
Retrofit Instructions
All LEDs are OFF
No AC input.
Attach AC input and/or check circuit breaker.
Incorrect wire attachment.
Check wire connection(s) at the Contour Gen 2 Flex LED light
engine and power supply for improper connections or short
circuits. Make sure you have positive to positive and negative to
negative wire connections.
Some LEDs
appear dim
Overload (maximum load exceeded).
Ensure the overall length of Contour LED Gen 2 Flex light engine
does not exceed the maximum load as detailed in the Tetra
Power Supply Installation Instructions.
Maximum recommended supply wire
length exceeded.
Reduce the length of supply wire equal to or below the
recommended maximum.
Mixed Suffix Codes of LED light
engine within an application.
Make sure that all LED light engines have the same Suffix Code
(Suffix Code is located on each packaging label).
Some of the
sections are not
Incorrect wire attachment.
Check the wire connections at the Contour Gen 2 Flex LED light
engine for improper connections. Make sure you have positive
to positive and negative to negative wire connections. Check for
improper cutting resolution locations (see table on Page 2).
Light/dark banding
along a section
LED light engine flexed in the wrong
direction or smaller than the minimum
bend radius during installation.
Remove LED light engine and properly install.
Inspect and replace light engine if damaged.