Naamloze Vennootschap - Zandvoordestraat 300, B-8400 Oostende - Belgium - - BE 0412 120 336 - RPR Oostende
ECDEN11-400 • CD • 03/11 • Copyright Daikin
ed in Belg
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Responsible Editor: Daikin Europe N.V., Zandvoordestraat 300, B-8400 Oostende
Daikin products are distributed by:
Daikin’s unique position as a manufacturer of air
conditioning equipment, compressors and refrigerants
has led to its close involvement in environmental issues.
For several years Daikin has had the intention to become
a leader in the provision of products that have limited
impact on the environment. This challenge demands the
eco design and development of a wide range of products
and an energy management system, resulting in energy
conservation and a reduction of waste.
Daikin Europe N.V. is participating in the EUROVENT
Certification Programme. Products are as listed in the
EUROVENT Directory of Certified Products.
The present publication is drawn up by way of information only and does not constitute an offer binding
upon Daikin Europe N.V.. Daikin Europe N.V. has compiled the content of this publication to the best of its
knowledge. No express or implied warranty is given for the completeness, accuracy, reliability or fitness for
particular purpose of its content and the products and services presented therein. Specifications are subject
to change without prior notice. Daikin Europe N.V. explicitly rejects any liability for any direct or indirect
damage, in the broadest sense, arising from or related to the use and/or interpretation of this publication. All
content is copyrighted by Daikin Europe N.V..