5. Inspection of dashpot
(For automatic transmission-equipped model only)
Preparation to be made prior to idle speed adjustment
Check and adjust the ignition timing.
Check and adjust the idle speed.
Apply the parking brake fully.
Warm up the engine thoroughly.
All accessory switches are turned OFF.
(On those vehicles equipped with a day-light system, set the light control switch to the first stage, in
order to turn OFF the head lights.)
The air element is installed.
All vacuum hoses are connected properly.
Ensure that the intake system exhibits no gas leakage or air admission.
Ensure that there is no gas leakage.
Place the shift lever in the “N” or “P” range.
Place the steering wheel to the straight ahead position and do not operate it during the inspection.
(1) Connection of tachometer
Never allow the tachometer terminal to touch ground. It could result in damage of the ignition system.
As some tachometers are not compatible with this ignition system, it is recommended to confirm the
compatibility with your unit before its use.
(2) Start and warm up the engine.
(3) Ensure that the adjusting screw of the dashpot is not in contact with the dashpot shaft when the en-
gine revolution is held at about 2400
100 rpm.
If the adjusting screw of the dashpot is in contact with the dashpot shaft, adjust the height of the ad-
justing screw.
(4) Ensure that the duration of time from dash pot adjusting screw contacts to the dash pot shaft to en-
gine revolution returns to idle speed is within specified value when the throttle lever released slowly
from the engine revolution at 3500 rpm.
Specified Duration: 0.5 - 5.0 seconds.
If the measured duration of time fails to meet with the specified value, replace the dashpot with a
new one.
(Refer to the EC section.)