again to select item in menu.
Under standby, long press this button for 2s to view
menu, or long press this button for 5s to disarm.
Call button
When being called, press this button to answer call.
During calling status, press this button to hang up.
Under standby, long press this button for 5s to turn
on/off DND (do not disturb).
Monitor button
Monitor VTO video. Under standby, when there is
announcement. When there is alarm, press this
button to view alarm info.
In menu interface, set ring, brightness as pressing
this button can decrease value of parameter.
Unlock button
During incoming call, calling, monitoring, press this
button to unlock corresponding VTO. In menu
interface, set ring, brightness as pressing this button
can increase value of parameter.
Chart 1- 2
1.2 Device Port Introduction
The device interfaces are shown as follows, please see