9.Software Tools
© China Daheng Group, Inc. Beijing Image Vision Technology Branch 165
Step6: You can choose to write the correction coefficient (including the Acquisition Frame Count) to the
device or save it to a file for subsequent use. Acquisition of Bright Field Images
1) When the device is in the stop acquisition mode, click "Acquisition of brightfield Images", the image
will be displayed in the GalaxyView acquisition GUI.
2) When the device is in the acquisition mode, click " Acquisition of brightfield image" to complete the
bright field image acquisition.
3) The number of bright field images acquired is related to the Acquisition Frame Count. For example, if
the number of Acquisition Frame Count is set to 4, when you click "Acquiring of Brightfield Image", 4
images will be acquired for FFC calculation.
4) If the brightness of the acquired bright field image is less than 20, it will prompt in the prompt box that
the acquired bright field image will affect the effect of FFC, as shown in Figure 9-14. In this case, it is
recommended to adjust the image brightness in the range of 20~ 250, and then reacquiring the bright
field images.
Figure 9-14 The bright field image is too dark