9.Software Tools
© China Daheng Group, Inc. Beijing Image Vision Technology Branch 159
2. Read From device
When you select read from device, the tool will automatically load UserSet0, and then load the Lut saved
by the device. If the device supports LUTEnable, it will automatically set LUTEnable to true to display the
image effect in real time, the GUI is as shown in Figure 9-9
Read From Device
Figure 9-9 "Read From Device" disabled
When selecting "Read From Device", the polyline graph and image effects are updated to the lookup table
in the device.
When selecting the standard Lut or default Lut and selecting "Write To Device", then when reading, the
written parameters will be updated to the GUI.
For example, standard Lut selects knee2, Lut range input 0-1023, Gamma input 110, brightness input 100,
contrast input 100, and the GUI after selecting "Write To Device" is shown in Figure 9-10.