3.Installation Guidelines
© China Daheng Group, Inc. Beijing Image Vision Technology Branch 5
3. Installation Guidelines
3.1. Host Preparation
3.1.1. Software Package
The software package of DAHENG IMAGING's MERCURY2 series is used to control the MERCURY2
series camera to provide stable, real-time image transmission, and provides a free SDK and abundant
development sample source code. The package is composed of the following modules:
1) Driver Package (Driver): This package provides the MERCURY2 series camera driver program, such
as: the GigE Vision cameras' Filter Driver Program.
2) Interface Library (API): This package provides the camera control interface library and the image
processing interface library, supports the user for secondary development.
3) Demonstration Program (GalaxyView.exe): This demonstration program is used to display the camera
control, image acquisition and image processing functions, the user can control the camera directly
by the demonstration program, and the user can develop their own control program based on the
camera interface library.
4) IP configurator (GxGigeIPConfig.exe): The tool is used to configure the camera IP address and to set
the IP mode when the camera is powered on.
5) Sample: These samples demonstrate cameras' functions, the user can easily use these samples to
control cameras, or refer to the samples to develop their own control programs.
6) Programmer's Manual: This manual is the users programming guide that instructs the users how to
configure the programming environment and how to control cameras and acquisition images through
the camera interface library.
You can download the latest software package from the website:
3.1.2. User Software Interface
After installing the MERCURY2 series camera software package, the user can use the demonstration
program and the samples to control the camera, also the user can control the camera by the program
which is written by the user themselves. The software package provides three kinds of program interface,
the user can select the suitable one for use according to their own requirements:
1) API Interface
In order to simplify the users' programming complexity, the package provides the general C programming
interface GxIAPI.dll and image processing algorithm interface DxImageProc.dll for the user to control the
camera, and provides the samples and software development manual which are based on these interfaces.
The API interface supports C/C++/C#/Python, etc.
2) GenTL Interface