The door lock m echanism is a device which has been specially designed to com pletely elim inate m icrowave radiation when
the door is opened during operation, and thus to perfectly prevent the danger resulting from the leakage of microwave.
(1) Prim ary interlock switch
W hen the door is closed, the hook locks the oven door. If the door is not closed properly, the oven will not operate.
W hen the door is closed, the hook pushes the button of the m icroswitch. Then the button of the primary interlock switch
bring it under “O N” condition.
(2) Secondary interlock switch and interlock m onitor switch
W hen the door is closed, the hook pushes the lock lever downward. The lock lever presses the button of the interlock
m onitor switch to bring it under “O FF” condition and presses the button of the secondary interlock switch to bring it
under “O N” condition.
(3) Adjustm ent steps
a) Loosen the one m ounting screw.
b) Adjust interlock switch assem bly position.
c) M ake sure that lock lever m oves sm oothly after adjustm ent is com pleted.
d) Tighten com pletely one m ounting screw.
Interlock m onitor switch
W hen the door is closed, the interlock m onitor sw itch should be opened before other sw itches are closed.
W hen the door is opened, the interlock m onitor sw itch should be closed after other sw itches are opened.
M icrow ave em ission test should be perform ed after adjusting interlock m echanism . If the m icrow ave em ission exceed
4m W /cm
, readjust interlock m echanism .