• When installing the drain hose to tub(sink), secure it tightly with a string.
• Proper securing of the drain hose will protect the floor from damage due to water leakage.
• When the drain hose is too long, do not force it back into the washer.
This will cause abnormal noise.
Level adjustment
If the washer is installed on an
unsuitable floor, it could make
considerable noise, vibrate and
cause a malfunction.
Drain system
• Never forget to install the drain hose before operating your washer.
• Open the packing box, and the drain hose is tied at backside of washer.
• If you use the laundry tub, The out lef of the drain hose when connected to the sink out let or
simply placed in the sink basin must be at least 60cm high and no higher than 100cm from
bottom of washer.
Adjust the level of washer using adjustable legs.
• Please check there is no gap between any of
the four adjustable legs and the floor.
• Adjust the level of washer by turning
adjustable legs. And make it sure that there is
no swaying of washer.
• After the adjustment is finished, turn the fixing
nuts up tightly so that the legs maintain the
Make it sure that the washer does not sway when you press
down the four corners of the washer's top plate.
adjustable leg
Fixing Nut
There should be no swaying of washer and all the
adjustable legs should stick to the floor closely.
Laundry tub
max. 100 cm
min. 60cm
max. 100 cm
min. 60cm