background image



Como se muestra en la Fig 1

1. Palanca de transmisión (palanca del embrague)
2. Agarre suave
3. Mango superior
4. Palanca de inicio / parada
5. Perilla de fijación con perno de cuello cuadrado
6. Mango inferior
7. Caja de hierba
8. Tapa del tanque de combustible
9. Cebador
10. Cubierta decorativa frontal
11. Mango de ajuste de altura
12. Rueda trasera
13. Tapón del aceite del motor
14. Cubierta de descarga lateral
15. Canal de descarga lateral
16. Cubierta
17. Arranque de la bujía
18. Mango de arranque
19. Cubierta de descarga trasera
20. Rueda delantera


1. Drive lever (clutch lever)
2. Soft grip
3. Upper handle
4. Start/stop lever
5. Fixing knob with square neck blot
6. Lower handle
7. Grass box
8. Fuel tank cap
9. Primer
10. Front decorative cover
11. Height adjusting handle
12. Rear wheel
13. Engine oil cap
14. Side discharge cover
15. Side discharge chute
16. Deck
17. Spark plug boot
18. Starter handle
19. Rear discharge cover
20. Front wheel



This Petrol lawn mower has been designed for cutting lawn areas in private house and hobby 
The machine is to be used only for its prescribed purpose . any other use is Deemed to be a case of 
misuse. The user/operator and not the Manufacturer will be liable for any damage or injuries of any 
kind caused as a result of this
Please note that our equipment has not been designed for use in commercial , trade or industrial 
applications . our warranty will be voided if the machine is used in commercial , trade or industrial 
businesses or for equivalent purposes.


Please read these instructions fully before assembling and operating. Description Of Symbols
Symbols are used in this manual to attract your attention to possible risks. The safety symbols and 
the explications which accompany them must be perfectly understood. The warning themselves do 
not prevent the risks and cannot be a substitute for proper methods of avoiding accidents.




WARING- To reduce the risk of injury , user must read instruction manual.




This symbol, before a safety comment, indicates a precaution, a warning or a danger. 



Ignoring this warning can lead to an accident for yourself or for others. 



To limit the risk of injury, fire or electrocution always apply the recommendations 




Keep by standers away.



Beware of sharp blades –remove spark plug lead before maintenance.



Never refuel while the engine is running.



Risk of injury . do not open or remove safety shields while engine is running.



Wearing ear protection , eye protection when operating.



Hot surfaces will burn finger or palms.



Warning! The lawnmower exhaust gas contains toxic substances, Do not start or run 



engine indoors or in an enclosed area, even if windows and doors are open.



Conforms to relevant safety standards



Waste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. 



Please recycle where facilities exist. Check your local authority or retailer for 





1. Read the instructions carefully. Be familiar with the controls and the properuse of the equipment;
2. Never allow children or people unfamiliar with these instructions to use thelawnmower. Local 
regulations can restrict the age of the operator;
3. Never mow while people, especially children, or pets are nearby;4.Keep in mind that the operator 
or user is responsible for accidents or
hazards occurring to other people or their property.


1. While mowing, always wear substantial footwear and long trousers. Do notoperate the equipment 
when barefoot or wearing open sandals;
2. Thoroughly inspect the area where the equipment is to be used and removeall objects which can 
be thrown by the machine;
3. Warning - petrol is highly flammable.
-Store fuel in containers specifically designed for this purpose;
-Refuel outdoors only and do not smoke while refueling;
-Add fuel before starting the engine. Never remove the cap of the fuel tank oradd petrol while the 
engine is running or when the engine is hot;
-If petrol is spilled, do not attempt to start the engine but move the machineaway from the area of 
spillage and avoid creating any source of ignition untilpetrol vapour have dissipated;
-Replace all fuel tank and container caps securely;4.Replace faulty silencers;
5. Before using, always visually inspect to see that the blades, blade bolts andcutter assembly are 
not worn or damaged. Replace worn or damaged bladesand bolts in sets to preserve balance;
6. On multi-bladed machines, take care as rotating one blade can cause otherblades to rotate.


1.Do not operate the engine in a confined space where dangerous carbonmonoxide fumes can 
2.Mow only in daylight or in good artificial light;
3.Avoid operating the equipment in wet grass, where feasible;
4.Always be sure of your footing on slopes;
5.Walk, never run;

6.For wheeled rotary machines, mow across the face of slopes, never up anddown;
7.Exercise extreme caution when changing direction on slopes;
8.Do not mow excessively steep slopes;
9.Use extreme caution when reversing or pulling the lawnmower towards you;10.Stop the blade(s) if 
the lawnmower has to be tilted for transportation when
crossing surfaces other than grass, and when transporting the lawnmower toand from the area to 
be mowed;
11. Never operate the lawnmower with defective guards, or without safetydevices, for example 
deflectors and/or grass catchers, in place;
12. Do not change the engine governor settings or over speed the engine;13.Disengage all blade 
and drive clutches before starting the engine;14.Start the engine or switch on the motor carefully 
according to instructions
and with feet well away from the blade(s);
15. Do not tilt the lawnmower when starting the engine or switching on the motor,except if the lawn-
mower has to be tilted for starting. In this case, do not tilt itmore than absolutely necessary and lift 
only the part which is away from theoperator;
16. Do not start the engine when standing in front of the discharge chute;17.Do not put hands or feet 
near or under rotating parts. Keep clear of the
discharge opening at all times;
18.Never pick up or carry a lawnmower while the engine is running;19.Stop the engine and discon-
nect the spark plug wire , make sure that all
moving parts have come to a complete stop and, where a key is fitted removethe key:
-Before clearing blockages or unclogging chute;
-Before checking, cleaning or working on the lawnmower;
-After striking a foreign object. Inspect the lawnmower for damage and makerepairs before restar-
ting and operating the lawnmower;
-If lawnmower starts to vibrate abnormally (check immediately);
20. Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug wire, make sure that allmoving parts have come 
to a complete stop and, where a key is fitted removethe key:
-Whenever you leave the lawnmower;
-Before refueling;
21. Reduce the throttle setting during engine shut down and, if the engine isprovided with a shut-off 
valve, turn the fuel off at the conclusion of mowing;
22. Go slow when using a trailing seat.

Maintenance and storage

1. Keep all nuts, bolts and screws tight to be sure the equipment is in safeworking condition;
2. Never store the equipment with petrol in the tank inside a building wherefumes can reach an open 
flame or spark;
3. Allow the engine to cool before storing in any enclosure;
4. To reduce the fire hazard, keep the engine, silencer, battery compartment andpetrol storage area 
free of grass, leaves, or excessive grease;
5. Check the grass catcher frequently for wear or deterioration;6.Replace worn or damaged parts 
for safety;
7. If the fuel tank has to be drained, this should be done outdoors.


Assembling the handle
1. Fasten the lower handle toThe device by using 
two bolts andtwo small knobs on each side as 
shown in Fig 2.
46cm cutting witch has one knob on each side)

2.Unfold the upper handle and fix it to lower 
handleby using the big knobs and the 
blots on each sideas shown in Fig3

NOTE: Make sure the rope guide is on the right 
handle, when you stand behind the mower.

Fasten the connection cord with clip 
As shown in Fig 4Fix the connection cord 
to the lower handle With the cord clip .(supplied)

Assembling the grass bag onto the mower 
As shown in Fig 6

1.Lift the rear discharge cover with one hand 
andhook in the grass bag.2.Release the rear 
discharge cover to secure thegrass bag in position.

Assembling the mulching plug (Fig 8)

1. Remove the grass bag
2. Push the plastic mulchingplug
(Fig 8) into the dischargechute (Fig 9) until it is locked inplace. 
(Please pay attention to thelock when assembling.
3. Then release the flap(Fig 10), 
it will close Back to cover themulching plug.

Assembling the side discharge chute As shown in Fig 11

NOTE: When use side discharge function. First need remove the grass
Bag and plug the mulching plug.
1. Lift the side discharge cover with
One hand and hook in the side dischargeDuct with the other hand.
2. Release the side discharge cover tosecure the duct in position.

Assembling the cup holder (optional)
As shown in Fig 13
1. Take out the plastic panel (1) from the box.
2. Align the mounting holes on the plastic panel
with the mounting holes on the upper-handle (2).
3. Fix the plastic panel with the bolts
and nuts (3) and (4) provided.

Checking the engine oil level And filling with engine 
oil As shown in Fig 15-16

CAUTION! The following procedures and adjustments
must be performed before the engine is started. 
Do not attempt to make any of these adjustments 
while the engine is running.

CAUTION! To prevent engine damage the engine is 
shipped without oil or petrol. The engine must be filled 
with the correct grade of oil and petrol before 
starting the engine. 

NOTE! Running the engine with a low oil level will cause engine damage. It is recommend that high 
detergent, premium quality 4-stroke engine oil used.

CAUTION! Always use high quality detergent oil classified SAE30 oil (or equivalent e. g SAE 10W/30, 
often termed as 4 Stroke lawn mower oil. Never use additives with recommended oil. To prolong the 
life of your engine it is important that the oil is changed after the first 20 hours of use.

NOTE: To check the engine oil level, stop engine and place the mower on a level surface.

1.Remove the oil filler dipstick and wipe
oil from it with a clean cloth.
2. Insert the dipstick into the oil filler neck,3. Then remove the dipstick and check the oillevel. the oil 
level must be between theMin and Max marks on the dipstick. If nearthe lower level, fill to upper 
lever with the recommended oil((or equivalent t e. g SAE 10W/30). Do not overfill.

Wipe away any spilt oil.)
4. Align the ribs of the cap with the groove of the filler neck. then rotate
1/4 turn to secure it.

Filling with engine fuel As shown in Fig 15

CAUTION! Always use clean, fresh unleaded petrol. Purchase fuel in quantities that can be used 
within 30 days. Never mix oil with petrol.

CAUTION! Do not fill into the base of neck to allow for fuel expansion. Do not overfill the fuel tank.

CAUTION! WARNING! Petrol is highly flammable and extreme precaution must be taken when 
handling or working with it. Keep out of reach of children.

CAUTION! To prevent engine damage the engine is shipped without oil or petrol. The engine must be 
filled with the correct grade of oil and petrol before starting the engine.

WARNING! Refuel in a well-ventilated area with the engine stopped. Do not smoke or allow flame or 
sparks in the area where the engine is refueled or where petrol is stored. Avoid repeated or prolon-
ged contact with skin or inhalation of vapour.

1. Clean the area around the petrol filler capbefore removing the cap. Remove thewarning tag, check 
the fuel level.
2. Refill the tank if the fuel level is low.3.Refuel carefully to avoid overfilling or
spilling fuel. There should be no fuel in thefiller neck.
4. Clean up any overflow or splashes of petrolbefore starting the engine.
5. Tighten the filler cap after filling, fingertight on.


Setting the cutting height As shown in Fig 17

CAUTION! Adjust the cutting height only when the engine is switch off the spark plug Boot has been 

The cutting height is centrally adjusted with Cutting height adjusting handle. Different cutting 
Heights can be selected. 

Pull the adjusting handle out and select the desired cutting height. The handle snaps onto the 
desired position.

From position 1 to position 7. The cutting height range from 25mm to 75 mm.

Setting required function

NOTE: This lawn mower has four functions. These functions can be converted by changing acces-
sory setting. Please see the following chart for detail setting.


Start and stop the engine

WARNING: the blade begins to rotate as soon as the engine is started.

NOTE: do not operate the machine in enclosed or poorly Ventilated areas as the exhaust gas con-
tains toxic substance. Keep hands , feet ,hair and clothing away from.
All the moving parts of the machine . the exhaust and other Parts of the machine will become hot 
during use.
Make sure that the blade is securely fastened before starting the engine.

NOTE: to start the engine make sure that the spark plug boot is located on the plug and the machi-
ne is filled with sufficient oil and petrol.

To start the engine As shown in Fig 18-19 1.
When starting a cold engine, press down
 the Primer fully 3 times.

WARNING! Too much presses on primer May cause engine flooded When starting a warm Engine, 
the primer does not need to be used. If the engine stops due to a lack of petrol, refill and press 
down the primer 3~5 times.

2. Stand behind the mower. Pull the engine Start/stoplever toward upper handle with one hand. And 
placethe other hand on the starter handle.

3. Pull the starter handle until you feel a resistance andthen start the engine with a sharp pull.

NOTE: If the engine fails to start after three pulls, repeat the process.

4. Once the engine is running, put the starter ropeInto the rope guide.

To stop the engine As shown in Fig 20 Release the engine start/stop lever, it will return to its Initial 
position, the engine will automatically switch off.

To clean a flooded engine

NOTE: if the engine won't start after you have Operated the starter several times, the engine may be 
flood with excess fuel. Use following procedure to clear and start a flooded engine.

1.Release the engine start/stop lever to stopengine.
2.Remove the spark plug, dry it, and thenreinstall it.

NOTE: Install the spark plug carefully by hand, to avoid cross-threading.After the plug is seated 
tighten 1/8 to 1/4 turn with socket spanner of sparkplug to compress the washer.

1.Pull the engine start/stop lever toward upper handle.
2.Operate the starter as described above

Using the Self-propelled function As shown in Fig 21
This unit equipped with self-propelled system. 
If you press the drive lever(clutch lever), the clutch 
for the drive will be closed and the lawnmower will 
start to move with the engine running . 
To stop the moving lawnmower, just simply release
 the drive lever in good time.

WARNING: Always observe the strictest safety procedures when using the lawnmower. Carefully 
read the safety instructions of this manual before using the lawnmower.

WARNING: Never open the ejector flap when the grass bag has been detached (to be emptied) and 
the engine is still running. The rotating blade can cause serious injuries!

1. Select your required setting.
2. Start the engine and allow it run, and set it to required speed. See “to start theengine”.
3. Keep a firm grip on the upper handle with engine stop/start lever and drivelever (clutch lever) 
closed and walk along with it self-propelling to startmowing.

Working advices

1. Walk, never run with the mower, be very careful when mowing uneven orrough ground.
2. Mow across slopes, never up and down.
3. Be careful when changing the direction of the mower on a slope.4.Do not mow excessively steep 
5. The best result will be achieved if the grass is dry. Wet grass will tend to clogthe blade and the 
grass collection system.
6. Grass grows at different rates at different time of the year. Never use thelowest cutting height for 
the first cut of the season or in drought conditions.
7. Only about one thirds of the grass height should be cut.
8. When mowing with mulching, to ensure that the cut grass can be scatteredefficiently, do not cut 
high or wet grass. When you have been cutting forseveral minutes, please stop the mower, and 

clean the blade and the deck.
9. Do not remove grass debris in the mower casing or on the blade by hand orwith your feet. Instead 
use suitable tools such as a brush or broom.

Emptying the grass bag

As soon as grass clippings start to trail the lawn mower, it is time to empty the
grass bag.

NOTE: Before taking off the grass bag, switch off the engine and wait untilthe blade has come to a 
1. To take off the grass bag, use one hand to lift up ejector flap and the other to grab onto the carry 
handle. The ejector flap automatically falls down after removing the grass bag and closes off the 
rear chute opening.
2. Empty the grass debris in the grass bag, and refit grass Bag.

NOTE: If any grass residue is caught in the discharge chute, clean it using a brush. Do not remove 
grass debris in the mower casing or on the blade by hand or with your feet. Instead use suitable 
tools such as a brush or broom. To ensure that the cut grass can be collected into grass Bag, the
discharge opening and inside the mower casing must be cleared of any blockage.


WARNING : Before performing any maintenance or cleaning work, switch Off the engine and wait 
until the blade has come to a stop.

General cleaning 

The lawn mower should be cleaned thoroughly every time after it has been used. Always clean your 
lawnmower immediately after use. Do not allow grass cuttings and other debris to become dry and 
hard on any of the mower surfaces. Dried grass remnants and dirt may impair the mowing opera-
tion. Check that the grass chute is free of any residual grass. Remove any such residue. Check the 
underside of the lawn mower and the blade mount. for this purpose ,tilt the Lawn mower onto its left 
side (opposite the oil filler neck)
NOTE: Before placing the lawn mower on its side , fully drain the fuel tank using a petrol extraction 
pump. Do not tilt the lawn mower by more than 90 degrees.

Maintenance of the spark plug.


As shown in Fig 22
1. Once the engine has cooled, pull off the spark plugwith a twist.
2. Remove the spark plug using a spark plug wrench3.Clean the spark plug with a wire brush (not 
supplied ).4.Using a feeler gauge set the gap to 0.75mm
5. Install the spark plug carefully by hand to avoid cross-threading.
6. After the spark plug is seated tighten with thespanner to compress the washer.
How to Service the Air Filter As shown in Fig 23Soiled air filters reduce the engine output by supply 
too little air to the carburetor. if the air contains a lot of dust , the air filter should be checked more 


 Never run the engine without the air filter element installed.

1. Remove the air cleaner outside cover (A). Be carefulto prevent dirt and debris from falling into the 
aircleaner assembly.
2. Separate the Air Filter (A) from the Air Filter Housing (B).
3.Inspect the air filter. Clean dirty air filter with warmwater and mild soap. Allow air filter to dry 
thoroughly before re-installation4.Install the air filter assembly onto the carburetor and secure with 

Note: Do not use pressurized air or solvents to clean the filter. Pressurized air can damage the filter 
and solvents will dissolve the filter.

Changing the engine oil Tilt the lawnmower towards the oil filler, have a container ready to catch the 
oil and remove the dipstick. Once the oil has been emptied, replace the dipstick and wipe clean any 
spillages. Refill with 500ml SAE30 oil or equivalent, i. e. SAE 5W/30, SAE10W/30.

Refill with 500ml SAE30 oil or equivalent i. e SAE5W/30, SAE10W/30. When the dipstick is rested on 
the filler pipe (i. e . not turn in pace ), the oil level must be between the min and max marks on the 
See “Checking the engine oil level and filling with engine oil” Start the engine and allow it to run 
Stop the engine, wait one minute and check the oil level. Top up if necessary. Note! see more in 
engine manual.

Replacing the blade

For safety reasons you should only ever have your blade sharpened, balanced and mounted by an 
authorised service workshop. For optimum results it is recommended that the blade should be 
inspected once a year.

WARNING! Before you remove the grass collection bag, stop the engine and wait until the blade 
stops completely.

WARNING! You will need garden gloves (not provided) and a spanner wrench(not provided) to 
remove the blade.

NOTE! Don't invert the mower. Tip it slightly towards the oil filler pipe and reach under the deck.

WARNING! Always handle the blade with care, sharp edges could cause injury USE GLOVES. Renew 
your metal blade after 50Hrs mowing or 2yrs whichever is sooner regardless of condition.

WARNING! If the blade is cracked or damaged replace it with a new one

WARNING! Don't hold the blade by hand directly.

NOTE! Maintain the sharpness of the blade when cutting grass. If the blade has worn excessively 
and become pitted and blunt, it should be replaced or sharpened. The sharpness of the blade will 
affect the performance of the lawnmower.

For safety reasons we recommend that the blade only be changed by someone qualified and autho-
rized to do so.
Hold the blade and unscrew the blade bolt counterclockwise using a spanner wrench. Remove the 
washer and the blade.
Fit a new blade or re-sharpen the blade, locate the blade on the two studs on the blade flan and 
then replace the washer and bolts. Make sure the blade is correctly located, and then firmly tighten 
the bolt. Do not over tighten. The up turn of the blade must project into the motor compartment.

Storing the Lawnmower for Short Periods

The lawnmower can be stored for short periods of time (less than 15 days) without performing any 
storage maintenance. Before placing the lawnmower into storage always carry out the following:
1.Allow the engine to fully cool.2.Ensure the grass bag is empty.
3. Clean all debris from under the mower deck.
4. Store the lawnmower on flat and level surface with the mower upright.
5. Store in a safe place which is not accessible by children or people who are notfamiliar with opera-

Storing the Lawnmower for Extended Periods

If the lawnmower is to be place into storage for more than 15 days, storage maintenance must be 
performed on the lawnmower. If the following steps are not carried out, when you next operate the 
lawnmower it may not start correctly and may need to be serviced.

CAUTION! Do not empty the petrol tank in enclosed areas, near fire or when smoking. Petrol fumes 
can cause explosions and fire
1. Empty the petrol tank with a petrol suction pump if available.
2. Start the engine and let it run until any remaining petrol has been used up.3.Change the oil at the 
end of every season. To do so, remove the used engine

oil from a warm engine and refill with fresh oil4.Clean the cooling fins of the cylinder and the housing
5.Be sure to clean the entire machine to protect the paint.6.Store the machine in a well-ventilated 

Maintenance Schedule

Performing routine maintenance correctly on your lawnmower will ensure you
get years of trouble free use.
Please keep this manual safe for future reference.
It is recommended that the following maintenance schedule is adhered to. This will ensure the 
lawn-mower operated correctly and is safe to use.

The Engine oil should be changed after the fist 8 hours.


Empty the petrol tank
Always let the engine run until it has used up the remainder of petrol in the tank. Empty the engine 
oil from the warm engine.
Remove the spark plug boot from the spark plug. Clean the cooling fins of the cylinder and the 
housing. Use the original packaging to ship whenever possible.


WARNING: Before performing any maintenance or cleaning work, switch off the engine and wait 
until the blade has come to a stop.

Improper repairs can result in the product functioning unsafely. This endangers yourself and your 

Faults which cannot be rectified with the aid of following table may be rectified by a specialist 
company only (customer service center).

Please be aware that any improper repairs will also invalidate the warranty and
additional costs may be incurred.

Use only genuine spare parts. Only these spare parts are designed and suitable for the product. 
The use of other spare parts not only voids the warranty, you can also endanger yourself and your 

Содержание DLM Series

Страница 1: ...Gasolina Gasoline Lawn mower www daewoopowerproducts com MANUAL DE USUARIO USER S MANUAL Fabricado bajo licencia de Daewoo International Corporation Korea Manufactured under license of Daewoo Interna...


Страница 3: ...5 Fixing knob with square neck blot 6 Lower handle 7 Grass box 8 Fuel tank cap 9 Primer 10 Front decorative cover 11 Height adjusting handle 12 Rear wheel 13 Engine oil cap 14 Side discharge cover 15...

Страница 4: ...oiding accidents Model DLM4300HP DLM4300SP DLM4600HP DLM4600SP Drive type Hand push Self propelled Hand push Self propelled Egnine type DVO130 DVO130 DVO140 DVO140 Engine displacement 132 cm 132 cm 14...

Страница 5: ...accident for yourself or for others To limit the risk of injury fire or electrocution always apply the recommendations indicated Keep by standers away Beware of sharp blades remove spark plug lead bef...

Страница 6: ...where the equipment is to be used and removeall objects which can be thrown by the machine 3 Warning petrol is highly flammable Store fuel in containers specifically designed for this purpose Refuel o...

Страница 7: ...y a lawnmower while the engine is running 19 Stop the engine and discon nect the spark plug wire make sure that all moving parts have come to a complete stop and where a key is fitted removethe key Be...

Страница 8: ...ig 4Fix the connection cord to the lower handle With the cord clip supplied Assembling the grass bag onto the mower As shown in Fig 6 1 Lift the rear discharge cover with one hand andhook in the grass...

Страница 9: shipped without oil or petrol The engine must be filled with the correct grade of oil and petrol before starting the engine NOTE Running the engine with a low oil level will cause engine damage It...

Страница 10: ...e damage the engine is shipped without oil or petrol The engine must be filled with the correct grade of oil and petrol before starting the engine WARNING Refuel in a well ventilated area with the eng...

Страница 11: ...justing handle out and select the desired cutting height The handle snaps onto the desired position From position 1 to position 7 The cutting height range from 25mm to 75 mm Setting required function...

Страница 12: ...19 1 When starting a cold engine press down the Primer fully 3 times WARNING Too much presses on primer May cause engine flooded When starting a warm Engine the primer does not need to be used If the...

Страница 13: ...anual before using the lawnmower WARNING Never open the ejector flap when the grass bag has been detached to be emptied and the engine is still running The rotating blade can cause serious injuries 1...

Страница 14: ...ntil the blade has come to a stop Cleaning General cleaning The lawn mower should be cleaned thoroughly every time after it has been used Always clean your lawnmower immediately after use Do not allow...

Страница 15: ...equivalent i e SAE5W 30 SAE10W 30 When the dipstick is rested on the filler pipe i e not turn in pace the oil level must be between the min and max marks on the dipstick See Checking the engine oil le...

Страница 16: can be stored for short periods of time less than 15 days without performing any storage maintenance Before placing the lawnmower into storage always carry out the following 1 Allow the engine to f...

Страница 17: the spark plug Clean the cooling fins of the cylinder and the housing Use the original packaging to ship whenever possible 11 TROUBLESHOOTING WARNING Before performing any maintenance or cleaning w...

Страница 18: ...el Engine may be flooded Remove plug and dry Engine runs unsteadily Air filter is soiled Clean the air filter Spark plug is soiled Clean the spark plug Uneven mowing results Blade is blunt Sharpen the...

Страница 19: ...nodes teaser on the surfaces of the cylinder and the piston or destruction of piston rings Also the warranty does not cover failure of the automatic voltage regulator due to incorrect operation Failu...

Страница 20: ...ijaci n con perno de cuello cuadrado 6 Mango inferior 7 Caja de hierba 8 Tapa del tanque de combustible 9 Cebador 10 Cubierta decorativa frontal 11 Mango de ajuste de altura 12 Rueda trasera 13 Tap n...

Страница 21: ...motor 132 cm 132 cm 141 cm 141 cm Potencia del motor 1 3 kw 1 3 kw 2 5 kw 2 5 kw Velocidad del motor 2800 rpm 2800 rpm 2800 rpm 2800 rpm Ancho de corte 410 mm 410 mm 460 mm 460 mm Altura de corte 25...

Страница 22: seguridad indica una precauci n una advertencia o un peligro Ignorar esta advertencia puede provocar un accidente para usted o para otros Para limitar el riesgo de lesiones fuego o electrocuci n s...

Страница 23: ...est funcionando o est caliente Si se derrama gasolina no intente arrancar el motor sino aleje la m quina del rea del derrame y evite crear cualquier fuente de ignici n hasta que el vapor de gasolina...

Страница 24: ...odo momento 18 Nunca levante ni transporte un cortac sped mientras el motor est en marcha 19 Detenga el motor y desconecte el cable de la buj a aseg rese de que todas las piezas m viles se han detenid...

Страница 25: ...recho cuando se pare detr s del cortac sped Ajuste el cable de conexi n con el clip Como se muestra en la Fig 4 Fije el cable de conexi n al mango inferior con el clip del cable Suministrado Ensamblaj...

Страница 26: con los pernos y tuercas 3 y 4 provistos Verificaci n del nivel de aceite del motor y llenado con aceite de motor Como se muestra en la figura 15 16 PRECAUCI N Los siguientes procedimientos y ajust...

Страница 27: ...ue de combustible PRECAUCI N ADVERTENCIA La gasolina es altamente inflamable y se debe tomar extrema precauci n al manipularla o trabajar con ella Mantener fuera del alcance de los ni os PRECAUCI N Pa...

Страница 28: ...entiladas ya que el gas de escape contiene sustancias t xicas Mantenga las manos los pies el cabello y la ropa alejados de todas las partes m viles de la m quina El escape y otras partes de la m quina...

Страница 29: ...ible Use el siguiente procedimiento para limpiar e iniciar un motor ahogado 1 Suelte la palanca de arranque parada del motor para detener el motor 2 Retire la buj a s quela y vuelva a instalarla NOTA...

Страница 30: ...ojada tender a obstruir la cuchilla y el sistema de recolecci n de hierba 6 La hierba crece a ritmos diferentes en diferentes pocas del a o Nunca use la altura de corte m s baja para el primer corte d...

Страница 31: ...llo del dep sito de aceite NOTA Antes de colocar la cortadora de c sped de lado drene completamente el tanque de com bustible con una bomba de extracci n de gasolina No incline la cortadora de c sped...

Страница 32: ...cuchilla una vez al a o ADVERTENCIA Antes de retirar la bolsa de recogida de hierba detenga el motor y espere hasta que la cuchilla se detenga por completo ADVERTENCIA Necesitar guantes de jard n no...

Страница 33: ...mantenimiento de almacenamiento en el cortac sped Si no se llevan a cabo los siguientes pasos la pr xima vez que opere el cortac sped es posible que no se inicie correctamente y es posible que deba se...

Страница 34: ...espere hasta que la cuchilla se detenga Precauci n Las reparaciones inadecuadas pueden hacer que el producto funcione de manera insegura Esto pone en peligro a usted y su entorno Las fallas que no pu...

Страница 35: ...le El motor puede estar ahogado Retire el tap n y seque El motor funciona inestable El filtro de aire est sucio Limpie el filtro de aire La buj a est sucia Limpia la buj a Resultados desiguales de cor...

Страница 36: ...mario sobre la superficie del cilindro y el pist n y la destrucci n de los anillos de pist n Adem s la garant a no cubre fallas de reguladores de energ a de tensi n autom ticos debido a la operaci n i...

Страница 37: ...www daewoopowerproducts com Manufactured under license of Daewoo International Corporation Korea...
