These are the frequently asked questions about mini.
mini FAQs
A. A little bit of water may remain inside the water hose and/or the drum after finishing a wash.
If the weather is cold enough, this leftover water can freeze. If this happens, resolve the issue as follows:
- Wrap the water hose's connection points with a hot towel.
- Close the tap, disconnect the water hose, and submerge the hose in hot water (less than 50°C).
- Pour approximately 2ℓ of hot water (less than 50°C) into the drum and let it sit for about 10 minutes.
- Reconnect the water hose, open the tap, and verify that water is being fed into and discharged out of the washer.
* Caution: Do not use the washer if the water hose is frozen. May cause a malfunction.
Is it possible for the washer to freeze and break?
A. - It's possible to change the wash, rinse, and spin settings while the washer is in operation.
- Press the Start/Pause button and make the changes.
How do I change the settings while the washer is in operation?
A. You can clean the drum using a commercially available drum detergent.
- Read the drum detergent's instructions carefully and follow those instructions.. Clean the drum as follows:
1. Add the drum detergent into the drum.
2. Select the Tub Clean course.
3. Press the Start/Pause button to commence the course..
How do I clean the drum?
A. mini features a compact and yet powerful inverter motor that makes it possible to wash, rinse, and spin just as well
as regular sized washing machines. What's more, the fact that the inverter motor does not have a brush means it is
much quieter and smoother than motors found in conventional washing machines.
Does being a compact washer mean it will not perform as well?
A. The noise level of a normal conversation is about 60db. In comparison, the level of noise produced by mini is
only 42db. You don't have to worry about anyone noticing. mini features a low-noise, low-vibration motor and four
dampeners so that you can do laundry day and night without disturbing anyone.
My husband and I both work and can only do the laundry at night. Will mini be too noisy to
use at night?
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2019-03-05 오후 4:16:50