Black Bear is a registered trademark of Daekyung Co., Ltd.
1521-6 Dadae-dong, Saha-gu, Busan, Korea Tel: +82)51-264-6611 Fax: +82)51-264-6615
1. Safety
1.1 Safety Information
1.2 Operating Instructions
2. General Terms & Specification
2.1 Layout & Parts Name
2.2 Specification
3. Transport and Storage
3.1 Transport
3.2 Storage
4. Preliminary Cautions Before Installation
4.1 Check for Completeness
4.2 Check for Specification
4.3 Areas of Application
4.4 Safety
5. Installation
5.1 Installation Method
5.2 Initial Test
6. Cautions
6.1 Preliminary Inspection
6.2 Prohibition of Overload
6.3 Safety Latch of Hook
6.4 Prohibition of Hoist Remodeling
6.5 Cautions During Operation
6.6 Lifting
6.7 Cautions During Lifting/Hoist Operation
7. Maintenance
7.1 Initial Inspection
7.2 Periodic Inspection and Adjustment
7.3 Check List
7.4 Lubrication
7.5 Limitation of Hook and Load Chain Use
7.6 Parking
8. Warranty
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