The User’s Manual for GEA-8120A
2. [Pro.Type]: When the traffic on the MAC layer is selected, the type can be selected,
including IP, IPX, ARP, RARP, Banyan, DECnet, AppleTalk, DADI and specify(HEX),
in which DADI protocol domain is 9ad5, specify (HEX) supports the user to enter any
protocol type of 2 bytes.
3. [Src. MAC]:The source Mac address. You can choice GEA-8120A or Specify.[Num]
the device can simulate up to 500 devices
[Des.MAC]:The destination MAC address. the device can send traffic to 500 different
4.3.4 IP Layer
When you choose MAC Layer, you will firstly do the settings of MAC Layer
parameters. As shown in Figure 7.3.4:
Figure 4.3.4 Setting of Network Layer Parameters
1. [Src IP]:The source IP address in the traffic, choose the local port address or choose
specific IP address;
2. [Des IP]:The destination IP address in the traffic
3. [IP layer Options]: Settings of the IP protocol layer parameters, including TTL,
TOS/DSCP, which is enabled only the IP layer is selected.
4. [Pro.Type]: When the traffic on the IP layer is selected, the type can be selected,
including TCP, UDP, DADI and specify(HEX), in which DADI protocol is eb, specify
(HEX) supports the user to enter any protocol type.
1. If choose the IP layer and can not resolve the Des. IP address, then in the traffic test,
the traffic send button[Test]is not clickable;
2. HEX input is representative of hexadecimal numbers.