Welcome to CD Library, the CD storage device world!
Thank you for purchasing CD Library. The CD Library, a CD/DVD storing
and retrieving system, can be controlled by PC with USB interface. The
included software is designed for easy and fast searching management.
Reading this manual is required before using CD Library.
Basic Knowledge
PC controls CD Library by USB interface. Using the included
software to manage the machine would be a simple, fast, and
efficient method.
150 CD/DVD can be stored in a CD Library machine. By using USB
interface, one computer can connect up to 127 machines at the
same time. (Note: To connect more machines, USB HUB might be
required for connection.) Thus, you can store 19050 CDs/DVD for
The enclosed software “CD Library for Windows” has great function
to support you to manage your CDs. You can search the database
by multiple ways.
You can retrieve the name of the singers and name of the songs by
using our software for your music CDs. These information can
download from Internet. The software will save the information
into the database. (Please visit
for details if
Images and short movies can be recorded in the software. When
you don’t know the name of the discs, they can search CD/DVD in
this area. (This function is only available in Mac Version).