The Light Weight Engine Houtekietstraat 11
B-8540 Deerlijk, Belgium
page 31
If a fuel pressure indicator is installed, it may be used to recognize irregularities of the fuel system or
of the fuel pressure.
Strong indicators of upcoming problems or failures within the fuel supply system are unsteady or
constantly low fuel pressure. Blocked filters, bended pipes or a damaged fuel pump could be the
source of these problems.
Too high fuel pressure is an indication of a damaged regulating valve or a blocked back flow pipe.
Once these signs recognized it is mandatory not to take off again and if in flight to land as soon as
possible on the nearest airfield.
Defective switches or fuses within the fuel supply system have to be replaced before next flight.
Important Information fuels and lubricants :
Fuel :
Automobile fuel, unleaded premium
95 Octane (RON) minimum.
Fuel pressure :
2,5 BAR
Oil type :
Fully synthetic branded automotive oil to API SJ standard as a
minimum. Engine warranty is void if oil is used that is below
this standard.
Oil volume:
3,5 Litres
Oil level is between
Ensure between max. & min. On standard oil tank 2 cm above
middle of the tank.
Oil pressure:
1,5 Bar @ 2000 RPM
0,8 Bar @ idle RPM
Oil temperature (readings off of the feed line into engine):
Min. 50 Deg.C (122 Deg.F)
Max. 110 Deg.C (230 Deg. F)
Optimum oil temperature range :
100 Deg.C (170-212 F.)
Don’t use any