1. Remove a blank slot cover.
2. Carefully slide a module into the slot, making
sure that its sides are inside the guide rails.
3. When the module reaches the back of the chassis,
push gently but firmly to connect the rear sockets
of the module to the back-plane. Ensure that the
module is completely inserted into the chassis
such that its front panel is flush with the front
panel of the chassis.
4. Tighten the two large module screws to ensure
that the module is held firmly in place.
Networking modules are hot-swappable,
meaning they can be added and removed while power
to the switch is ON. The CPU module however, is
NOT hot-swappable. Removing or inserting the CPU
module while the power is on may cause irreparable
damage to the module and/or to the switch itself.
Further, make sure you have unplugged the power
cord from the removable power supply module before
inserting or removing it from the switch.
CAUTION: Due to the high energy present
in this system, extreme caution should be
exercised whenever adding or removing
system components. No element of this
system may be installed or removed except
by an authorized technician.
Step 4 – Plugging in the AC Power Cord
At this point, please connect the AC power cord into an
electrical outlet (preferably one that is grounded and
surge protected) and into a redundant power supply
module in the switch.
Step 5 – Connecting a Console
In order to setup and manage the switch, you will need
to connect a console terminal. A console can be either a
dedicated management terminal such as a VT-100 or a
PC using a terminal emulation program such as
Microsoft HyperTerminal, which is automatically
installed on a system when Windows is installed.
Regardless of the type of management station you are
using, the RS-232 console included with the switch
must be used to make the console connection.
At this point, plug the 9-pin connector of the console
cable to the serial port on the rear of your terminal or
PC and the 9-pin connector into the RS-232 Console
port on the front panel of the CPU module located in
the top slot in the switch.
If you are using a PC, please locate and run a terminal
emulation program.
The terminal should be configured to these settings:
Bits per second
--- 115200
Data bits
--- 8
--- None
Stop bits
--- 1
Flow Control
--- None
After you have plugged in power to the switch,
connected the console and run a terminal emulation
program, you should see the switch console
management login screen. If you do not see the screen,
hit <Ctrl> + R, to refresh the screen. The login screen
should now appear.
To logon to the switch, press <Enter> or <Return> in
the username and password fields.
Additional Information
For more information setting up your network or
configuring the switch, please refer to the User’s Guide
located on the CD-ROM. It contains many more rules,
charts, explanations and examples to help you get your
network up and running.