Chapter 6 System
This chapter will introduce you how to configure the system of D-LINK IP PBX.
6.1 Network And Country
Configure WAN/ LAN IP, and tone zone.
Network And Country
to display the diagram as below:
IP Assign Support Static, DHCP and PPPoE.
Hostname The name identifying this machine on the network.
IP address Set static IP address of WAN port on this device.
Subnet mask Specify the subnet mask of the above static IP address.
Gateway Specify a gateway to reach non-local addresses.
DNS Specify a nameserver to resolve domain names.
Tone Zone Setting Define the tone zone for home country or place.
6.2 TroubleShooting
You can ping other network device through D-LINK IP PBX and track network route by
command "Traceroute" .
to display the diagram as below: