DVG-6001G User Manual
D-Link Corporation.
6. Wildcard
x: matches any digit ("0" to "9").
7. Modifiers
.: Match 0 or more times.
8. Modifiers
+: Match 1 or more times.
9. Modifiers
?: Match 0 or 1 times.
Assume we have the following digit maps:
1. xxxxxxx | x11
and a current dial string of "41". Given the input "1" the current dial
string becomes "411". We have a partial match with "xxxxxxx", but a
complete match with "x11", and hence we send "411" to the Call Agent.
2. [2-8] xxxxxx | 13xxxxxxxxx
Means that first is "2","3","4","5","6","7" or "8", followed by 6 digits;
or first is 13, followed by 9 digits.
3. (13 | 15 | 18)xxxxxxxxx
Means that first is "13","15" or "18", followed by 8 digits.
4. [1-357-9]xx
Means that first is "1","2","3" or "5" or "7","8","9", followed by 2 digits.