DVG-3016S/3032S User’s Manual
Dialing Principles
D-Link Systems, Inc.
5-3 Example for Match phone numbers invited by callers
The table below is provided as a general reference expresses phone numbers dialed by the gateway instead of
real phone numbers that callers dial.
The same as “FXS
Representative Number”
Ring FXS according to “FXS
Group Hunting / Ring Priority”
The same as “FXO
Representative Number”
Off hook a FXO
It is not applied to registration with SIP Proxy
The same as “FXS
Extension Number”
Ring or off hook the Extension
If Extension line is FXS, it should ring.
If Extension line is FXO, it should off hook
It is not applied to registration with SIP Proxy
The same as FXO
Extension Number
Off hook the FXO
A Prefix is the same as
“FXS Representative
FXO Extension
Eliminate a Prefix and use
remaining digits to route calls
via FXO
FXS Representative Number is 2252 and one of
FXO Extension is 070123456
If callers dial 2252070123456 6371, the gateway
dial 6371 via FXO Extension
A Prefix is the same as FXO
Extension Number
Eliminate a Prefix and
use remaining digits to route
calls via FXO
One of FXO Extension is 070123456
If callers dial 070123456 6371, the gateway dial
6371 via FXO Extension
Differ from FXS/FXO
Use these digits to route calls
via FXO
If callers dial 6371, the gateway dial 6371 via one
of FXO line