About This Guide
This guide gives step by step instructions for
setting up D-портовLink DSR-портов500AC Wireless AC
Services Router. Please note that the model
you have purchased may appear slightly
different from those shown in the illustrations.
Unpacking the Product
Open the shipping carton and carefully unpack
its contents. Please consult the packing list
located in following information to make sure
all items are present and undamaged. If any
item is missing or damaged, please contact
your local D-портовLink reseller for replacement.
-портов One (1) DSR-портов500AC Wireless AC Services
-портов One (1) Power adapter
-портов One (1) Console Cable (RJ45-портовto-портовDB9 Cable)
-портов One (1) Ethernet (CAT5 UTP/Straight
Through) Cable
-портов One (1) Reference CD (CD-портовROM containing
product documentation in PDF format)
-портов Two (2) Rack Mounting Brackets
-портов Two (2) Detachable Omni-портовdirection antennas
Product Overview
Front Panel - DSR-500AC
Figure 1. DSR-500AC Front Panel
DSR-портов500AC supports one USB port only.
(Top to
Power LED: Indicates the
Wireless AC Services Router is
powered on. 5GHz WLAN LED:
A solid light indicates that the
wireless segment is ready. This
LED blinks during wireless data
LED: A solid light indicates that
the wireless segment is ready.
This LED blinks during wireless
data transmission.
USB Port
It can support various USB 1.1 or
2.0 devices below:
1. Flash Disk or Hard Disk for
network sharing.
2. 3G Adaptor for WAN
3. Printer.
Gigabit LAN
Connect Ethernet devices, such
as computers, switches and
Gigabit WAN
port (1-портов2)
Two auto MDI/MDIX WAN ports
are the connection for the
Ethernet cable to the cable or
DSL modem.
The WAN2 port is a configurable
port which can support WAN2 or
DMZ port for dual WAN
connections or internal Server
Farm purpose.
Console Port
Used to access Command Line
Interface (CLI) via RJ45-портовto-портовDB9
console Cable.
Table 1. DSR-500AC Front Panel Descriptions
Device Status LEDs and Ethernet Port
Figure 2. Ethernet RJ-45 Port LEDs
The device LEDs show information about
current device status. When the device power
up, the POWER/STATUS LED will show solid
orange during power on process. Startup takes
one minute approximately to complete, the LED
will change to solid green. If you want to turn
the device off and on again, we recommend you
wait a few seconds between shutting it down
and powering it back. The Ethernet LEDs show
the status of each Ethernet port. Table 2 lists
the name, color, status and description of each
device LED.
D-портовLink Wireless AC Services Router