D-Link DSL-G2452DG User Manual
Section 4 - Configuration
This page will allow you to change the administrator (Admin) password and enable remote
management. In the Management menu on the bar on the top of the page, click
. To
load, save, reset settings, or reboot the router, click
and refer to
Admin Password
Enter a new password for the administrator account. You will need to
enter this password whenever you configure the router using a web
Enable HTTPS
Remote management allows the router to be configured from the
Internet by a web browser. A password is still required to access the web
management interface. Check to enable HTTPS to have your connection
to the router encrypted with SSL.
Remote HTTPS
Admin Port:
The port number used to access the router is used in the URL. Example:
https://x.x.x.x:8080 where x.x.x.x is the Internet IP address of the DSL-
3590L and 8080 is the port used for the web management interface.
Enable HTTP
Remote management allows the router to be configured from the
Internet by a web browser. A password is still required to access the web
management interface. With this setting off, the UI is only available from
the local network.
Remote HTTP
Admin Port:
The port number used to access the router is used in the URL. Example:
http://x.x.x.x:8080 where x.x.x.x is the Internet IP address of the DSL-3590L
and 8080 is the port used for the web management interface.