User Authentication
DSA-5100 Installation Guide
Authentication Policies Configuration
• Policy ID: The system provides five separate authentication policies. Select the desired control group from the pull-
down menu.
• Set as Default: Selecting this option will set the selected control group as the preferred authentication method. Only
one policy can be selected as the default.
• Policy Name: The friendly name for the authentication policy. The DSA-5100 controls priority according to the following
postfix when the user logs on the system (example user1@postfix1).
• Policy Status: The policy is enabled or disabled here.
• Black List Profile: Select one of the five profiles from the Black List configuration or None if you don’t wish to use one.
• Authentication Server: The are five authentication options listed here (Local, POP3, RADIUS, LDAP, and NT Domain)
and an additional option on the External Authentication screen (http or https).
• Assign to Group: Select a group to assign to the Authentication Policy using the pull-down menu.
• Exception Configuration: Allows exceptions to the configuration rules to be defined. Exceptions are defined based on
user’s attributes.