xStack DES-3800 Series Layer 3 Stackable Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
config mac_based_access_control
Used to configure the global parameters of the MAC-based Access
Control on the Switch.
config mac_based_access_control {ports [<portlist> | all] state
[enable | disable] | method [local | radius] | password <passwd
This command is used to configure the global parameters for the MAC-
based access control function on the Switch, including enabled ports,
method of authentication and the password to be used to access the
remote RADIUS server.
ports <portlist>
- Choose this parameter to configure a list of ports to be
enabled for the MAC-based access control function.
state [enable | disable]
– Use the state parameter to enable or disable
the previously set ports as MAC-based access control enabled ports.
method –
Use this parameter
to choose the type of authentication to be
used when authenticating MAC addresses on a given port. The user
may choose between the following methods:
– Use this method to utilize the locally set MAC address
database as the authenticator for MAC-Based Access
Control. This MAC address list can be configured in the MAC-
Based Access Control Local Database Settings window.
– Use this method to utilize a remote RADIUS server
as the authenticator for MAC-Based Access Control.
Remember, the MAC list must be previously set on the
RADIUS server and the settings for the server must be first
configured on the Switch.
password <passwd 16> -
Use this parameter to enter the password of
up to 16 alphanumeric characters for the RADIUS server, which is to be
used for packets being sent requesting authentication. The default
password is “default”.
Only Administrator or Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure MAC-based Access Control global settings on the Switch.
DES-3800:admin#config mac_based_access_control ports 1-8 state
Command: config mac_based_access_control ports 1-8 state enable