AirPremier N Dual Band PoE Access Point Command Line Interface Manual
If a TFTP server is being used to get the configuration file from a PC, to get firmware from a PC, or to put a configuration file on a PC, see the examples below. Please
note that users must enable the TFTP server on the PC before using these commands.
The following is an example of using TFTP to get a configuration file from a PC, using the format
tftp getconfig
[config file name] [host IP address].
tftp getconfig dap2690.dcf
tftp: Update configuration file successfully!
The following is an example of using TFTP to put a configuration file on a PC, using the format
tftp putconfig
[config file name] [host IP address].
tftp putconfig dap2690.dcf
tftp: Put configuration file successfully!
The following is an example of using TFTP to get firmware from a PC, using the format
tftp getfirmware
[firmware file name] [host IP address].
tftp getfirmware dap2690-firmware-v100-r0018.bin
head in flash
Burning done!