Product User’s Manual –
7.2 Using SD02C with PIC microcontroller
This section will show the example of using dsPIC30F4013 as host to control two SD02Cs
through UART interface. The sample program is based on SKds40A startup kit. This sample
program is developed for dsPIC30F4013. If user uses different PIC microcontroller, user may
need to modify the sample program based on that particular microcontroller by referring to its
datasheet released by Microchip Technology Inc. This sample program will control 2 SD02C
through 2 X hardware UART.
a. Since the sample program will control 2 SD02C, so two SD02Cs are used. Other
devices are: 1 x SKds40A, 2 x stepper motor.
b. Setup SKds40A with dsPIC30F4013.
c. Load
to dsPIC30F4013 using UIC00A. User may refer to
UIC00A user’s manual on how to load program into a PIC. User may use other
programmer to load the program.
d. For communication between these two SD02Cs and SKDS40A, the following
connections are required.
i. First SD02C
to SKds40A
(RF3 - TX)
ii. First SD02C
to SKds40A
(RF2 - RX)
iii. Second SD02C
to SKds40A
(RF5 - TX)
iv. Second SD02C
to SKds40A
(RF4 - RX)
v. Both SD02C
to SKda40A
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