Reset Button
Reset button can be used to reset/restart the CT-UNO program.
Micro USB B Type Connector (Female)
This connector is for USB connection to upload program or power up via USB cable. A USB
micro-B type cable is needed.
RX LED Indicator (Serial)
RX LED lights up when there have data transfer from USB to ATmega328.
TX LED Indicator (Serial)
TX LED lights up when there have data transfer from ATmega328 to USB.
Programmable LED
Programmable LED is active HIGH and it is connected to pin 13.
Power LED Indicator
Power LED will light ON once the board is powered.
Adapter Socket (2.1mm)
DC power adaptor socket for user to plug in DC adapter. The input voltage should be ranged
from 7 to 15V.
Extra Pads
This extra pad allow CT-UNO to be stacked on strip/donut board.
Arduino R3 Standard Header
CT-UNO can be stacked with Arduino shield.
ISP Header Pin
User can upload Arduino Uno bootloader firmware using AVR programmer (e.g. AVR
USBasp) through this pin.
Created by Cytron Technologies Sdn. Bhd. – All Rights Reserved