Cypress Semiconductor Corporation •
3901 North First Street • San Jose • CA 95134 • 408-943-2600
CY4611 FX2 USB to ATA/CF Reference Design Operating
The CY4611 ships as CF+disk(hard drive or CD
drive). Other available options are ATA disk only
(one or two hard drives/CDs) and a standalone
Compact Flash reader.
There are three “getting started” sections below.
They describe how to use the kit as a CF reader,
what to do if you downloaded this from the web, and
how to connect the kit to a disk drive.
Getting Started – CF only
Follow these instructions to use the board as a CF
reader without other drives attached:
Plug the 4611 into any high-power USB port.
Keyboard hubs and other bus-powered hubs are low-
power USB ports. All other USB ports are high-
If this is the first time that this device has been
connected to the computer, the computer will prompt
you for a driver for the device. Use the standard
class driver. A new drive letter will appear. You do
not have to have a CF in the reader to get the drive
letter. CF may be inserted and removed whenever
Windows is not accessing it.
The power workaround used in this design
will not pass compliance testing, and it may cause
data loss in hibernate (S3).
Getting Started – Web downloads
If you downloaded this release from the web and are
not using a new board with a CF socket (4611 rev
C), here are some things you need to know:
You will have to download the fx2_ata firmware
to your board. See
If you are using a CY3681 development board,
you will need to modify the hardware to enable
ATA operation. See “
Using this Design with an
FX2 Development Kit
” below for details.
Before you start, you should have the following:
CY4611 “tailgate” board or CY3681 development
kit (rev C or higher) and standard 80-pin IDE
cable (or 40 pin cable if you are not using
The 2.20, 2.30 and higher releases require rev E
chips. These releases will NOT work with rev B
or rev D chips. Revision E chips are marked:
E 01xx or 02xx (Date code)
Getting Started with a Disk
If you want to use the design with an ATA device,
like a hard drive or CD-ROM, follow these
1. Remove the VBUS jumper (JP2).
2. Turn off your disk drive power supply.
3. Attach the 4-pin power cable to your drive(s) and
to the board.
4. If you are using two drives, adjust the
Master/slave jumpers on your drives so there is
one master and one slave drive.
5. If you are using one drive and a CF, change the
drive jumper to the slave position.
6. If you are using only one drive, either master or
slave will work.
7. Attach the IDE ribbon cable to your drive(s) and
to the 4611 board. An 80-pin cable is required
for UDMA.
8. Turn on the disk drive power supply.
9. Attach the USB cable to a Windows PC.
10. A drive letter will now appear for the CF reader.
11. Install the software from the CD (see
12. Run the cyup_cf_ata program from \cypress\usb\
to download the CF+ATA image. Run the
cyup_ata.exe program to download the non-CF
13. Cycle power on the 4611 and drives. They will
now appear in “my computer”.
Software Installation
The Mass Storage Reference Design Software is an
add-on to the Cypress EZ-USB Development Kit.
Therefore, The EZ-USB Development Kit must be
installed on the system to perform functions such as
building and modifying firmware or re-programming
the EEPROM. The full EZ-USB Development Kit
has been included on the Mass Storage Reference
Design CD. Also, in order to compile the Mass
Storage firmware you must install the full version of