Refer to CW-18 Electrical Component Chart. (Pg. 14)
CW-18 Collector Item #3:
The collector ring should be sanded once a year. If the collector ring is pitted too badly it should
be replaced. Inspect all wires coming out of the collector ring for cut or missing insulation. All
wires should be fastened to the center shaft with a nylon cable tie. Tighten four set screws if
Weld Cable Inlet 4/0 Item #10:
Ensure that the cable is fastened tightly to the collector ring. Inspect the cable for cut or missing
insulation. Make sure the micarta insulation tube on the cable is in good condition. Replace the
cable if necessary.
NA-3 Control Cables :
For all cables leading to the NA-3 Control Box, inspect the cable for cuts or missing insulation.
Ensure that the elbow connector is not damaged. Ensure that all terminal ends are snug. Re-
place cable if necessary.
Solenoid Adaptor Kit (Optional):
Inspect for damage. Replace if necessary.